Kevin Mastering the New Maiden DVD
In his latest diary entry dated March 10, Kevin Shirley, the current Maiden producer says this about the state of the forthcoming DVD:"Been busy mastering Iron Maiden DVD's this week"
As already announced by Maidenfans, Kevin spent January and February mixing this new DVD, highly suspected to be the long-rumored 'Dance of Death' Tour video release.
It is unclear if the use of the word "DVD's" on his diary means that the release will be a double DVD or if Kevin was actually working on two different Maiden DVDs.
Source: Caveman Diary
Thanks to sfeerkeeltsie for the head's up
Thanks to sfeerkeeltsie for the head's up
no problem, always like to help, especially this great site!
Its probable two-disc DVD, because bruce was talking in a old interview that there was going to be a DVD for the dance of death tour... so that show is probable on disc one... on disc 2 there is probable going to a documentary from a fan poit of view and some footage from then thing go's wrong, and how its like to be on the stage...
Thats what I think, i don't know if its true, but it would be very cool if it was
Could be that the second disc is about GMETID Tour...
I think it's possible that Disk 2 could include excerpts from the Give Me Ed 'Till I'm Dead Tour.
I could imagine that this is something completely different though.
Darn! Beat me to it!
it would be great to have GETID tour on disc 1 and DOD tour on disc2
they cant mix live videos from both tours because there completely different stage set
It would be cool to have songs not played for a long time (Revelations, Die with your boots on, 22 Acacia Avenue and the others played on give me ed tour) on the disc 2.
Then Bruce said that this Dance of Death tour dvd would have been more from a fan point of view with more hidden things that fans are interested into so...who knows:)
In my opinion it will be released after the summer tour, towards Septmber/October
Has anyone tried asking him what he's working on?
Brilliant idea!

Not sure if he likes me that much... I was the one who "revealed" the pictures that were on his web-server. Got attacked by pretty much everybody at Sanctuary...
Old story.
Old story.
Well he shouldn't have bloody left them on the server, which is available for viewing by the public. So they wern't linked to any page, but still..
There was a huge debate on my IMBB thread about this back then.
Anyway, I apologized personnaly to Skunk, Maiden's management and more importantly to Kev (but he never replied, so that leaves the door open to what he thought).
I contacted Shirley once to ask if i could make an interview with him via e-mail, i would have just sent him some quetions for our press agency who is conducting a special about maiden.
I didn't even get a reply, i don't say he should have accepted the interview, but at least an answer would have been appreciated.
I didn't even get a reply, i don't say he should have accepted the interview, but at least an answer would have been appreciated.
You should try to contact Drew, his sidekick when producing Maiden. The email must be on the diary archives.
But, you're right, he could have answered. Even to just say no. Paul Di'Anno always answered all email, even with a few words.
Bah... He must be very busy.
But, you're right, he could have answered. Even to just say no. Paul Di'Anno always answered all email, even with a few words.
Bah... He must be very busy.
Maybe i'll try to contact Drew I'll see, thanks for the suggestion:)
Anyway i think that if I would have offered him a special pass to get to see the Formula 1 gp near my town he would have answered pretty quickly

I'm also trying to contatc the maiden management to arrange an interview for Gods of Metal 2005, but this seems even harder to do

Thanks for the suggestion, cheers:)

To apologize for what I did, I offered him to arrange him a VIP pass for the Monaco Grand Prix, with full access to the pits (before the GP of course) and lounge.
He didn't reply. (It would have been almost cost-free for me, for it was linked with my previous job).
Maybe he didn't believe a Maiden fan posting on the IMBB could have this kind of business network

No, no, I won't have that kind of passes this year, so, people, don't bomb mail me to get one.

To apologize for what I did, I offered him to arrange him a VIP pass for the Monaco Grand Prix, with full access to the pits (before the GP of course) and lounge.
He didn't reply. (It would have been almost cost-free for me, for it was linked with my previous job).
Maybe he didn't believe a Maiden fan posting on the IMBB could have this kind of business network

No, no, I won't have that kind of passes this year, so, people, don't bomb mail me to get one.

I'm "glad" that so it wasn't a matter of interest apparently:) Still a reply would have been nice, even if negative.
No problem for gp passes,i live 500 metres away from Monza formula 1 gp circuit so i don't need them

I've e-mailed Kevin several times. He has answered to some of my e-mails, but not to all. And NO, he didn't answer to my questions regarding the forthcoming Iron Maiden DVDs. I guess he might have done some 5.1 mixes for "Live after death" and the "Dance of death" tour DVD.
It´s probably policy: he can´t really give out details until it´s confirmed.
In his latest diary, Kevin posted a piece of info wich may be valuable:
Oops! Gone again - from hot to cold! Had a wild time down in the BVI's last week with my friend Martijn, the crazy but oh-so "toyt" freaky-deeky Dutchman (he's the naked one in the shower on Sir Richard Branson's "Cribs" and for $50 I can let all you lay-deez have the polaroids! Also from the collection, some from the sauna in the Dortmund hotel after the last Iron Maiden gig!).
him being at the Iron Maiden concert, could mean that he was recording the new DOD live album ( as reported by Maidenfans ) there
but it could also be just him visiting the gig for his own pleasure