Kevin Says Maiden are Family, Studio Next Year
I think it's time for me to look at new beginnings. I hate to sound jaded, but it seems to me that so much of the music around now - especially on MTV or the radio - sounds much like the same song, rehashed production-wise, performance-wise, lyric-wise, even sonically. And as I'm embarking on my new life journey - gorgeous young soulmate at my side - it seems ludicrous that I'm looking for faceless mix work amongst the careless outpouring of the Lord-Alge brothers (all hail!) that plague the radio with mediocrity. I'm very pleased with the bulk of my discography, and whether or not the relegation of my moniker to the rear cover of the Led Zeppelin DVD - unjustly, I feel, as only "sound engineer" - means anything to anyone else or not, I'm well satisfied that my work has had a significant impact on the quality of that product. I'll never suggest in any way that the awesome Led Zeppelin needed my input, but that said I am proudest of that work more than any other in my body of work. 'Nuff said.I do not necessarily want to leave the music biz - I do however want to be very selective about what I work on going forward. I have always wanted to write and I'm under no illusion that it's an art and a craft that I have little understanding of, but I still think I can say something - whether it be important or makes you laugh. I think the world needs to hear again and again about the rampant and ill-considered bully tactics and global restructuring that a Bush can undertake in a world of people that mostly want to live in peace, and whose awful tactics have inspired hatred and put us in the cross-hairs of substantially more angry and newly weaponized societies - only so that nightmare-provoking fearmongers bearing office don't mislead us into buying into their tactics so they can be re-elected, and we get scared off by anyone else proffering anything other than militant solutions even though it costs us way more than just the tax and debt implications into future generations. People, including my very learned neighbors in New York, still believe that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks. Vile, abominable deception! Tens of thousands of deaths later! Hard to follow that with light 'n breezy, especially when I 'm feeling deeply philosophical today!
One band I won't leave behind is the mighty Iron Maiden! If ever I had a band that felt like family (however dysfunctional it gets from time to time), Iron Maiden are them, and the early part of next year will see me holed up with them in a studio somewhere in the world, working on new material - and I'm definitely excited about that!
It seems more and more plausible that Maiden will enter the studio next spring and not in November, as thought earlier. A new album could be expected for Fall 2006.
It's not yet sure where the new History DVD would fit.
Source: Caveman Diary
Here we go again

Someone using their semi-famous name to push their misguided and uninformed political opinions.

This should help keep our wonderful Iron Maiden and musical discussion forums on topic.

I bet this won't start anyone U.S. bashing either. Yeah right.

I included the whole diary entry innocently. You're right, let's not spark endless debates in here.
Anyway, I'm moderating these kind of issues very tightly. Anti-americanism is a form of racism and it's not tolerated.
Anyway, I'm moderating these kind of issues very tightly. Anti-americanism is a form of racism and it's not tolerated.
Interesting. It seem that you can be Anti-American and get away with these days. However, if you're against any other country, you're viewed as a bigot. But no, if you're Anti-American, all of a sudden you're an enlightened thinker
Anti-americanism is a form of racism and it's not tolerated.
That is not entirely true, as Americans are not a different race. Hating Americans can therefore not be seen as racism.
I agree with you that the whole issue needs to be discussed elsewhere, but I had to comment on this.
As races don't exist within the human species, racism doesn't either. The term racism should be replaced by ostracism to be more accurate. And ostracism isn't a nice thing either!
We're one species with our differences and similarities. Why can't we accept them as they are?
Right. A bigot, just like a racist, has nothing to do with nationality.
A bigot is a religious person who overdoes it, and a racist is a eugenic, who thinks people with one colour of skin are more valuable than others.
A person who dislikes other countries and nations is a xenophobe.
How many times do I have to repeat that the human SPECIES has NO RACES?
Oops, my dictionary entree didn't quite work, did it?
smart-arse mode
As a biologist, I'm telling you. Please trust me. Other biologists around will confirm.
/smart-arse mode
Maverick is right, but the term racism is defined not by the existence of races but by the belief such races exist and that discriminatory treatment can thus be justified.
True. Not to mention all the pseudo-scientific books on the subject.
You know, the Iron Maiden camp continues to teeter on the edge of pissing off a lot of Americans like myself who have always loved and supported the band financially and otherwise. Personally, I won't stand for it much longer and I know that I speak for a much larger group.
And your point is, MaidenTennessee?
You are smart enough to get my point.
Well, as much as I'm not in favour of basic anti-Americanism, I think that misplaced paranoia is a bit out of order too. Take that chip off your shoulder, you'll feel better.
Yeah, but are YOU smart enough to get THEIR point?
No chip on my shoulder. Just telling it like it is. These comments are becoming more and more common from the Maiden camp and it would be a mistake for them to conitinue making them (in public forums at least). I'm sure Steve Harris wishes they would stop, as was evidenced by his quick move to clean up Bruce's mess in his last interview. Maiden does not want a backlash in America period.
As you may have noticed, this board does not encourage hatred of any sort. The rare "fuck Sharon", "fuck the Yanks", fuck <select whoever you want to fuck>" messages that appeared here were deleted.
So get off your high horse and join the fun. Put a smile on your face. This is NOT the IMBB.
I don't own a high horse or a horse of any kind. You would get tired of it too. All of this Anti-American bullshit. Where is the rest of the world when WE have natural disasters? Nowhere to be found. Ironic, isn't it?
Maybe I will have a smile on my face when New Orleans is rebuilt if it isn't completely wiped off the face of the planet.
Instead of rushing to our aid, like we routinely do for others, the rest of the world seems more interested in using junk science to blame us for "causing a hurricane" as if that is possible in the first place.
Any other day of the week, I would have let that stuff slide but not today.
I would add that the critics Bruce had were not targeted on Americans but on corporate America.
It's not exactly the same thing.
Note that I mostly don't agree with Bruce, but I try to put my own opinions aside while moderating.
First of all, I'm glad this dude loves Maiden so much. Hurrah!
As for anti-Americanism, I can see why many of our American friends are becomming pissed off at it. Though it's not as prevelant on these forums as many others, it is here.
If I were an American and read alot of those kind of posts out of context, I probably wouldn't feel welcome here. I can hardly blame people like MaidenTennessee for getting frustrated at it all; they're just as much fans of Iron maiden as the rest of us, and deserve to be treated with respect.
Is it racism? No, because 'racism' is a loaded term with huge (arbitrary) social meanings behind it. Is it bigotry? Nah. Is it just plain stupid? You bet your ass.Whatever you choose to call it, Maidenfans is no place for such childish and un-enlightended crap.
I agree with an earlier poster who said that music commentators should stick to music and leave politics out of it. This kind of BS is not what Iron Maiden is about.
Coming from a country where politics is omnipresent and in-your face with all its disgustingness, I agree with Duke.
Coming from a small country of virtually no international impact, I know what it is to be called "Slovakian" or "Slovenian"
All the while, I think everyone can have their preferences but stay tolerant to other people's preferences. Not?
And one last thing and I will climb down from the horse.......
Anybody who thinks that the corporate / Hollywood image of America is an accurate reflection of the way we live, needs to come visit for awhile. Most of us would give you the shirts off our backs.
That's all. I'm done.
Maybe I will have a smile on my face when New Orleans is rebuilt if it isn't completely wiped off the face of the planet.
Instead of rushing to our aid, like we routinely do for others, the rest of the world seems more interested in using junk science to blame us for "causing a hurricane" as if that is possible in the first place.
Any other day of the week, I would have let that stuff slide but not today.
Your paranoia gets the better of you, my friend.
As for the US routinely helping the world to be a better place, you're right. Your country has done so much in helping places like Aghanistan and Irak, to name but these two...
What's happening currently in the southern United States is nothing but a natural even that was forecasted long enough in advance (and recurrent anyway) so preventive measures could have been taken. You don't build wooden houses if you know you're regularly in the path of a hurricane. Look at Japan: they know the country's earthquake-prone, and they built everything accordingly.
Your country is no better or worse than any other. Deal with it.
Blimey, I'm sounding anti-American now!

Do you drive a car? Fly in a plane? Use the internet? You don't have polio do you?
You probably owe America a little more respect than you are willing to admit. That's ok, we both know the truth.
Anybody who thinks that the corporate / Hollywood image of America is an accurate reflection of the way we live, needs to come visit for awhile. Most of us would give you the shirts off our backs.
That's all. I'm done.
No one is saying the corporate/Hollywood image of America is accurate. But it IS the problem Bruce has been addressing. And it IS the problem the band has with touring in the States. As far as New Orleans and the tragedy goes - yes, it is a tragedy and a huge disaster. Mind you, there's a difference when the same thing happens in a 3rd world country and in America. There are plenty of places in the western world that has had huge tragedies like this who's never have asked for help. And the world did come to America's aid during and after 9/11. How easily we forget.
Do you drive a car?
I do. A Japanese one!
Yes. Airbus is pretty good.

For once, the US military did a good thing. Probably the only one in their entire history!
Nor have I anthrax, the plague, AIDS, or even the flu. Vaccines were invented by a Frenchman, anyway.
Do I? Whenever Bush farts, the petrol price goes up. Maybe that forces some kind of respect after all...
The truth? If you know it, please let me know. I personally haven't got a clue.

Yes, we have mods like this and we rule
(God Bless America)
You are just ignorant, plain and simple. We came over and with the help of some very brave English soldiers rescued your ENTIRE continent from the NAZI's. You think that our military may have done something good then? Nah, you are too petty to admit it.
I hope this doesn't offend the others on the board but at this point I should not care. Your life would not be one tenth of what it is now if it weren't for the actions of my country. I know it, you know it, and everybody else knows it.
90% of the luxuries you enjoy on a day to day basis were invinted in the USA. (yes even cars and airplanes!) I love the Japanese by the way, they took a great invention and made it better.
Basically, take your jealous Anti-Americanism and blow it out your ass.
Ban me, I don't really give a shit at this point. We don't need your affirmation.
The only thing in your post that is the least bit accurate is your last line.
Fuck Off and God Bless America.
This "we rescued Europe from Nazism" is an old preposterous and basically wrong affirmation. It make me sometimes smile at its naivety, but often sigh at its stupidity. However, I'll let the historians of this board answer you on this point.
The car, the engine that runs it, the tyres, on-board electronics, and the rest, stem from Europe. Because Ford industrialised the process doesn't mean that he invented it.
"Your life would not be one tenth of what it is now if it weren't for the actions of my country." Wow! that's bold statement. Are you sure? Maybe if you could demonstrate it to me in a logical and clear manner, I'd be tempted to believe you. For the time being, I don't.
I once got into a fight with an arsehole who made the mistake to tell me, "you don't like me, that because I'm Black". I didn't like him because he was an arsehole, and I never even thought about the colour of his skin. I saw red and decked him. Your attitude is the same: "you don't like me because I'm American." Well, let me tell you, that's out of order. I don't like you 'cause you're a paranoid prat who stays in his short-sighted way regardless of the words of comfort I tried to provide.
Have a nice life and may the Flying Spaghetti Monster touch you and your great country with his noodly appendage.
Remind me then, which country was it that rescued Europe? All of those crosses at Normandy, who are those for?
You can't re-write history as much as you would like to do so.
Errr..and with this we must clearly have strayed off topic and at the same time demonstrated why politics should NOT be a topic on this forum.
Please don't forget the Poles, France, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many more who fought in the second world war . And don't forget that it took three years before the first American forces arrived in Great Britain, on Jan. 26, 1942. Previously, all United States had done was freeze German and Italian assets in America, and announce an oil embargo against aggressor states.
You can't re-write history as much as you would like to do so.
*Sighs with a smile*

You can't re-write history as much as you would like to do so.
Ignorance...such a nice state of mind
Your sigh is the equivalent of waiving the white flag.
If you don't know what that means, ask the French.
Everybody takes shots at America for one reason. It's lonely at the top baby.
If you don't know what that means, ask the French.
You mean the royal troops led by LaFayette who rescued the Americans from the British?

If America's at the top, a little hurricane shouldn't hurt, then, should it?

Sorry, but the Poles were overran by Hitler, and comapring the Candian effect in WWII to the U.S. military is laughable. We all know the truth. Now I will shut up when you guys knock off the Anti-American comments or I am banned, either way.
Just like Bruce said, these colors don't fucking run.
Yes, he was talking about the Union Jack!
No, it's not the ENGLISH flag!

Oh, we will recover fine from our little hurricane and we wll do it on our own.
Last question, if America is so horrible why does everybody try to move here legally or illegally, yet nobody wants to leave?
Good day, and thanks for showing your true colors (yellow and/or white), LOL
Union Jack or the Stars and Stripes, the sentiment is the same.
Just like Bruce said, these colors don't fucking run.
IN 1939, the population of Canada was about 12 million people. If you divide that in half, it gives about 6 million males. Subtract those who were too young or too old to serve, and you have about 3 million males of military service age.
"By the end of the second world war, Canada had ONE MILLION, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN IN UNIFORM. That is one out of every three adult males.
BY far, Canada's greatest contribution to the winning of WW2 was the Commonwealth Air Training Plan, which trained 135,000 pilots and aircrew, from 22 different countries, in Canada.
Canada built over 300 airfields and 65 training schools in less than one year, and provided the instructors and ground crews to keep thousands of planes in the air. We also fed and clothed and housed and entertained those thousands of men, and did it at our expense. We also built thousands of aircraft for the CATP and produced the fuel and oil needed, as well as the training manuals and course books and air charts, and even the asphalt and concrete for the runways.
After Canada had manufactured enough small arms to equip it's own army, we started sending rifles, pistols and machine guns to Britain. At the end of WW2, 60 percent of the British Army was armed with Canadian made weapons. We also provided over a million Lee Enfield rifles to the Nationalist Chinese Army and 300,000 Browning 9mm semi-auto pistols to the Australians and the New Zealanders.
The largest class of naval vessel ever made was the Canadian Corvette escort ship, with 237 in total being made during WW2. From the beginning of the war, the Royal Canadian Navy was the chief escort force in the western Atlantic Ocean. By the end of the war, the RCN was the acknowledged leader in anti-submarine warfare, with the most U-baots sunk.
Remember this fact.........Every American and Canadian soldier who fought in Europe got there by ship convoy, nobody flew over the Atlantic, except bomber crews going to the war. The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest and most crucial of WW2. Without control of the ocean, D Day would not have been possible, at all.
Canada was able to fight in two major campaigns at the same time. Where ?
From July 1943, with the invasion of Sicily, Canada's First Infantry Divison along with it's auxillary units of armour, artillery and support, were involved in the Italian fighting. Fourteen months later, after the liberation of Rome, the D-day Dodgers of the 1CanInfDiv were told that, for all their sins, they would now be going to Northern France, to join 2ndCanInfDiv, and 5th Can Armoured in the fight to capture the Belgian port city of Antwerp.
Of course, 2nd Div and 5th Armoured had landed at Normandy, on Juno beach, on June 6th, and now the entire Canadian Corps, over 200 thousand men was going to be concentrated on a massive front. The Falsie gap, the battle for the airport at Tirquet, the Breskins Pocket, Walchern Island, the Netherlands, the Hochwald Forest, the final 40 days, are all ahead of them.
The RCAF began the war with 5 squadrons of outdated planes, and about 3,000 men. By the end of the war, it is the third largest of the Allied air forces,with over 133,000 men, and fully 60 percent of RAF bomber command is made up of Canadians. Number six group, Bomber Command are all Canadian crews, and in Fighter Command, more than half of the Squadron Leaders are Canadians. There are 44 RCAF fighter squadrons, as well as 15 in Maritime Command flying the Canadian built Canso amphibian.
Inventive, combative, irreverant, funny and tough, that was the Canadians in WW2. From Motor Torpedo Boats in the channel at night, to the jungles of Borneo, or the mountains of Yugoslavia, fighting with Tito's army, they were everywhere, and we left our dead in cemmetaries in 74 nations, in small places that will forever be considered a part of Canada."
(Jim Bunting. Toronto.)
Edit - off to work, may or may not add link to source later.
dogbreath, I'm impressed by your knowledge... Well done.
However, this is not about who did the most for the world or anything like that. MaidenTN expressed his (maybe justified) worries about a rising anti-Americanism on the boards. I jumped in to make him feel comfortable, telling him that this board was different. However, he persisted in his paranoia and got slighlty on my nerves (and other people's too, apparently) after a few posts. He made himself look ignorant and stupid, his knowledge of world history and politics being inversely proportional to his misplaced patriotism.
I rest my case...
First of all, yes - the world DOES owe America a huge debt for hastening the end of the Second World War and almost single-handedly funding the rebuilding of Western Europe afterwards. BUT, it would've happened eventually even without the help of the "New World".
I sincerely dubt that you, sir, had much to do with the invention of the internet, automobile, polio vaccine, or even the defeating of the Nazis. So, unless you actually did something like this, stop saying you deserve respect for it. Yes, your countrymen who did those things are praisworthy, but you are not. You're merely playing into the hands of those who like to rouse anti-American sentiment.
Stop embarassing yourself. We don't hate anyone here because of their nationality (Except Mav, because he live in Switzerland). Your statements are precisely why many people do not like Americans. They see the cocky, arrogant, "you owe me" attitude, and are disgusted by it. Even if it is deserved, there's no reason for you to flout it.
By the way, you had me on your side until you called my grandfather's 6-year trip to Africa, Italy, Holland, and Germany "laughable".
I don't see many anti-american comments here, but what I do see is anti-Polish, Canadian etc., when you try to undermine the efforts and sacrifices of so many non-Americans in WW2. My Polish grandfather fought in this war, and I find it extremely insulting that you think his contribution is any less than that of an American soldier.
What I see here is a bunch of kids trying to say that their dick is bigger.
Everyone is going silly.
Not all countries have donated equally for the world (saying the contrary is just plain stupid political correctness) and it's up to anyone to judge if what was done was positive or negative.
History is made of facts, the rest -the what-ifs and all- are just here for some intellectual masturbation or displaced pride.
Please everybody, try to see that the world is a lot more complex, for countries interact with each other and causes are so multiple than finding the origin of a fault or a pride gets drowned in infinite discussions.
Hey, Duke, I live in Switzerland too. Not a nation, by my standards, but still, watch your words out
Hitler was not overthrown only by Americans (and Canadians).
Ever heard of the Eastern Front? The Russians had an essential input in the fall of the Reich. Also many Poles fought in the occupied countries.
But what's the deal?
If some people cannot take the "anti-America" things Bruce said, then maybe they'd like to read what Sharon said today. Now who is talking with more respect?
Do we have to look up to America? Do Americans have to look up to Europeans? Did Bruce offend Americans? Or even America? He didn't.
At the moment (check: ) a US citizen offends a European.
Do we care about the fact that a European man is offended? Do we care about the fact that Sharon (who lies and has absolutely no respect for a lot of people) lives in the States? No we don't.
As Maverick pointed out earlier, we care about the way people say or do things, how they behave. That's all that matters.
In all honesty, are the French any better on this ?
I think it's more due to a country's current position and glorified past than anything else.
A chauvinistic American equals a chauvinistic French, German, Chinese or English. Or whichever country by the way.
Hey, I'm proud of Switzerland. Even if I'm not Swiss!
Gentlemen, just as I said earlier, America does not need your affirmation. Our position in the world speaks for itself. I do get annoyed with the Anti-Americanism from the Iron Maiden camp, simply because in the past I have supported them financially and just by being a fan like any of the rest of you. It annoys me that a band who has experienced so much success here in the USA feels like they can get away with slamming the USA while they fatten their bank accounts here.
My original point remains, Maiden will suffer a backlash in the USA if these comments continue. You may not care, but I promise you Maiden cares.
And by the way, my dick IS bigger
My original point remains, Maiden will suffer a backlash in the USA if these comments continue. You may not care, but I promise you Maiden cares.
Why are you ignoring some posts in this thread? In this case it's indeed very easy to stick with your original point.
I will also stick with my original point, but I will not ignore your comments: Maiden never offended the USA. Sharon offended Maiden and their fans.
What does Sharon have to do with it? The Osbornes are washed up has-beens who have become a joke. I don't give a crap about her. I don't watch her dumbass show, and I never have bought HIS music.
I am an Iron Maiden fan for more reasons that I will go into now.
What I don't like is when my favorite band and solo artist make negative comments about my country.
It's as simple as that. There are plenty of dumbass artists who have done the same thing and have suffered because of it.
I don't want Maiden to go down that path.
Now, that was a highly intelligent remark.
Any girls care to comment?

I wanted to show a comparison between "not that offending behavior" (Bruce towards America) and "very offending behavior" (Sharon towards Bruce, Maiden and the San Bernardino audience). Apparently it didn't work.
I thought it was understood that Sharon was a moron? I'm not a fan of Sharon. And the original statements that I took offense to were those of "Kevin" posted at the beginning of this thread.
I can even somewhat agree with what Bruce has said in the past.
Surely 'whom are those for?', no?
Sorry to be a pedantic pedant, but you've pissed me off.
OMG This is not gonna stop. Someone please close the thread.
Any girls care to comment?

I would but I dont care anymore.
All these comments are stupid. Please, someone just close the thread!
OK, I vowed not to take any part of this "discussion", but this comment left me with no other choice.
I am absolutely sick of the diminishment of the role Poland played in World War II. I know that Poland was completely occupied by Germany and the USSR by the end of September 1939, but that is absolutely no reason to downplay what Poland did.
It is true, Poland had an absolutely inferior army in 1939. Yes, even the Poles tell stories of horseriders assaulting German tanks. But considering Poland was backstabbed by two huge military powers at the same time, the resistance they put up was immense. By the Bzura river, the Poles held up German advance for nine days. Poland later did major contributions to the Allied forces. From the very beginning of the war, Poland was being betrayed and ridiculed by all its so-called Allies; a French/British invasion of Germany in September 1939, when the troops were in Poland, might have already been a turning point of the war in favour of the Allies; Warsaw would have been saved had the Soviets supported the rebels in the uprising. Poland had the highest percentual loss of population in the war. Against its own will, Poland was added to the Soviet zone of occupation and became a Communist country. Poland was the first country to liberate ITSELF from Communist rule.
I think Poland deserves a lot more respect than is given to it, and I WILL NOT accept any kind of Poland-bashing, here, there or anywhere.
Close the thread.
My pleas to close it are gonna be much more annoying to you Maverick.
Quite frankly, I dont see why im caring. But really, when the insulting of nations, efforts in war and crisis and major history events are dragged through the mud. It should be stopped.
I am American and I have a donkey farm. I have 5 donkeys and 2 horses - one horse is a dwarf. Sometimes they poop in the barn and I get mad but I still love them.
Up the Irons
I am absolutely sick of the diminishment of the role Poland played in World War II. I know that Poland was completely occupied by Germany and the USSR by the end of September 1939, but that is absolutely no reason to downplay what Poland did.
It is true, Poland had an absolutely inferior army in 1939. Yes, even the Poles tell stories of horseriders assaulting German tanks. But considering Poland was backstabbed by two huge military powers at the same time, the resistance they put up was immense. By the Bzura river, the Poles held up German advance for nine days. Poland later did major contributions to the Allied forces. From the very beginning of the war, Poland was being betrayed and ridiculed by all its so-called Allies; a French/British invasion of Germany in September 1939, when the troops were in Poland, might have already been a turning point of the war in favour of the Allies; Warsaw would have been saved had the Soviets supported the rebels in the uprising. Poland had the highest percentual loss of population in the war. Against its own will, Poland was added to the Soviet zone of occupation and became a Communist country. Poland was the first country to liberate ITSELF from Communist rule.
I think Poland deserves a lot more respect than is given to it, and I WILL NOT accept any kind of Poland-bashing, here, there or anywhere.
Thanks man. Well said, really. I know what Poland did and how their people have suffered, but I couldn't have said it so well as you did. My wife is Polish by the way.
Pope JP2 was Polish and he was super duper cool. Dont forget that.
Up the Irons

What a load of horse manure

Since the talk has now entered a non-Maiden discussion, I'm closing this thread, even if some of it was interesting.
If someone wants to talk about that, he/she can open a new thread in the General Discussion forum.
Thanks everybody for their input.
So long.