Latest on UK and US Tours
Now that it is certain that Maiden won't play Download this year (conflicting schedule), it remains to be seen where Maiden will play their homeland.Bruce promised fans last year that Maiden would be back in a muddy field, but nothing else is official.
However, cagedbeast, a member of the official BB, made this comment about an initiative he took:
With so much speculation going around this BB, I decided to phone Sanctuary to find out what the latest info was.
Now bear in mind that I only got as far (not without trying) as speaking to a telephone operator (What a lovely person she was too!!), and may have been told not to let any information slip out. Indeed, she may not even know.
What she did say though when asked if she knew if Maiden would be playing the Uk this year "As far as I know, yes they will be, but I'm not sure on that". Now, this is not a definate yes or no, but her tone was very positive, and assuring.
What she also advised me to do was to contact Helter Skelter, who are Maidens Uk booking agnecy. So, I did call them, and was told that as yet, no dates were booked! I also got an e-mail address to write to the agent who would know for sure. I have sent her an e-mail, but she is out of the country just now. I have had an 'out of office' reply to say that she is still checking her e-mails, and where possible, she will reply a.s.a.p
So, sorry it's nothing definate, but at least it's from the horses mouth. Obviously, the second I hear anything further, it will be posted back here, so.....keep posted!
Regarding the US Tour, Ozzfest rumors are still flying high, even if nothing is certain for the moment. Bruce said on his latest Rock show that he was supposed to be in the States for his birthday, which is in August, that's the only fact we know.
Apart from that, here's the latest rumor, that could be totally fake, on the story, fueled by Steel Thunder, another member of the official BB:
I was talking to a clerk at the local guitar center in sacramento. He said that maiden recently bought alot of gear from the store, not personally but for their near by studio. He also said that the representative told him they would in fact be touring in the united states this year!
Another BBer, NoEffenPicks, claims to have more information:
Okay folks this was too important NOT to post, but it's still not 100%. I was at the NAMM show for the music industry here in Los Angeles this weekend and saw Michael Kinney at the Fender booth. I talked with him a bit about Maiden and Harris in general before asking the hottest topic on my mind... ARE MAIDEN COMING TO THE US? Well here's what he said. The good news is that he has been hearing from the Maiden camp that there WILL be a US tour this summer. He was starting to make his schedule for the year based on these rummblings. ADDITIONALLY, and this is funny, he was chatting with Scott Ian of Anthrax who told him Maiden will be playing with them at OzzFest! That was a surprise to him even. So there's definitely SOMETHING going on along those lines. Still, I also hope to be in Europe for one of those dates to catch them there.
Handle these rumors with care. puts them here as information only and will keep you posted about more solid intel.
Basically, you're just telling us that the only thing we know for sure is that we don't know anything...
Added some more info.
People keep coming to me about the UK and the US, so I thought it would be a good idea to open a thread with the latest rumors flying around.
No, I don't know anymore about this situation. Some Maidenfans members in the US or in the UK might know more.
People keep coming to me about the UK and the US, so I thought it would be a good idea to open a thread with the latest rumors flying around.
No, I don't know anymore about this situation. Some Maidenfans members in the US or in the UK might know more.

Cheers folks, although I haven't posted in this forum before I do frequently check here for info on my favorite band! As for the validity of my post on the Iron Maiden BB, I can only relay what Michael Kinney told me himself. Thus far that's the closest I have come to anyone "in the know" and I'm definitely interested in answering that question! I REALLY want to see the Early Days tour.
So for now, howdy people, and Up the Irons!

Well he would certianly be "in the know". (Michael Kinney that is)
Ok guys, this will be a stupid question perhaps. But does anyone think that maiden may play a UK gig/festival between 22nd July and the 2nd of August as i have to decide whether i want to book spain flights tonight...
If the Reading rumor by NME is confirmed, what about Ozzfest. That tour ends in September (Reading is on August 26th), so Maiden would have to fly back and forth to the UK just for that show.
We'll see.
Or, if Maiden plays Ozzfest (which still seems like huge if to me) then they might only play part of the tour. As long as that part includes Denver, I'm happy.
But let's remember that Ozzfest might include European dates this year, so...
I have heard the rumors and they are spreading fast. recently I heard maiden/ and anthrax with both singers will be doing ozzfest. this would be the only reason i would attend as my first child will be due in august. hopefully they will come around the northeast before then.
Ireland gig is confirmed at the end of August, leading to think that end-August could be the UK & Ireland part of the tour (Leeds/Reading is still a rumor).
An ad in the Irish Independent claims that the Irish date is Ireland Reading, so that might give more solidity to the UK Reading claim.