Maiden Doesn't Have Much Time Left Says Bruce
In anticipation of their Paris concert, Bruce got the unusual honor to be interviewed by Paris Match, a classy gossip magazine.Here's the full translation (done by myself quickly, sorry for eventual errors):
Iron Maiden still has all its teeths … in order to bite
The metal band has an iron health. It arrives at the Parc des Princes still shrewish. In particular with its competitors.
Long hairs, liters of beers and guitars solos… Iron Maiden incarnates hard rock since thirty years. Today they do more look like old paunchy gentlemen than mean aggressive rockers, even if on stage the madness still works. With its 25 millions records sold (Maidenfans' note: it’s more like 60 million) , the band remains a blood-and-thunder type of attraction that a tribe of loyal fans will follow whatever happens. Interview with its singer, Bruce Dickinson.
Who listens to Iron Maiden today ?
In Europe, our public is 80% of kids aged from 13 to 25 years old. In general, they come to see us for the first time. We do play a lot of festivals at the moment. People of our age do not lie around in these type of places… Iron Maiden is unique. We are not a commercial band and we exist entirely outside of the musical industry. Nobody can influence us, nor dictate what we are going to do. Young lads love this attitude!
What have you brought to music ?
We have brought an aggressive side to metal. Before our time, there were a lot of nice enough bands, Genesis, Yes, Jethro Tull… The more violent bands like Deep Purple had an almost aristocratic image, afar off their fans. Maiden found its way in the middle of this doldrums. We have created a full-fledged universe, free of any compromises.
Is this the key to your success ?
Absolutely. It’s good to have a universe, but it’s better if it appeals to others. We had many opportunities to go into other directions, to have a go at a more “commercial” music, but we did resist, even if it could have brought more success…
The egos quarrels have almost killed the band. Yourself did leave the band to better rejoin later.
Today, we do not want to lose our time for quarrels. We can have fun despite our ego. You cannot go on stage in front of 50000 people without the latter being oversized… But between us from now on there are no more useless rows. The interest of aging rests also in the fact that we have gained more and more confidence in ourselves. The little details that unnerve you while you’re 23 are no more at 48…
Do you think about retirement ?
Honestly, we don’t have much time left. A few more tours and soon we won’t have the energy to go on. Even if the enthusiasm remains intact. Nicko, our drummer, is not far from his sixties.
Charlie Watts continues to play.
Charlie Watts plays jazz! It’s not exhausting! Jagger doesn’t sing like I do, he’s not able to run on stage anymore. We are a raw energy piece.
How does your family see all this ?
It’s all right, because I’m on tour for three months at most per year. The rest of the time, I’ve got my airline pilot job or I’m at home. Even if my neighbors know that I’m part of Iron Maiden, they don’t really know what the band is.
What do you listen at home ?
The kids are the real masters of the hi-fi system: I’m listening to Green Day, or System of a Down… When I manage to gain the upper hand, I’m put out my old classics, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, always the same crap. But it feels so good…

Source: Paris Match (June edition)
80% of the public is between 13 and 25 ? I think Bruce is overestimating the youth of the fans. Maybe because he mostly sees the first rows at gigs
Anyway, good little interview for such a magazine.
"Nicko, our drummer, is not far from his sixties."?????
The man's "only" 51!
argh i can't hear you! lalalalalala
Too bad if they should stop touring, especially for the fans who only had the chance to enjoy Maiden live in the last decade.
But I'm willing to understand they might be getting tired. If you notice, Nicko makes frequent mentions of the time he went to bed after a gig.

After the gig in Paris, Nicko stayed down the pub until 04:00, getting legless and picking up fights. Don't tell me he's burned out...
Well, a month ago I saw him play, which is somehow more crucial than picking up fights, and he sounded powerful. Even a not-such-great-fan next to me pointed out "the drummer is excellent". So no, I'm not saying he's burned out.
no way, Maiden will live on.
Yeah, like Mozart or Beethoven did!

Theyve got 5 years left in them. Thats it. 2010 will be the end of Maiden.
THanks for the translation!
I think it's good that they (he) remain realistic aboout the whole thing. I wouldn't want to see a nostalgia act as the Stones or whatever. However, I do think that there will be guest appearances and so forth as has already occured. I see Steve behind the board and producing in the future....
At any rate, I'll see em till the last - I have my tix to Colorado!
My prediction: 2 more studio albums.
Album in 2006, followed by short tour.
History part 2 DVD in 2007 or 2008, followed by tour.
Album in 2009 with short tour.
History part 3 (last part) DVD in 2010, followed by final farewell tour.
They still can record many albums, they don't have to tour so often if it was for me, though.
Who cares how long they got left... enjoy it while you can

The man's "only" 51!
That's what I thought too!
Damn, I get a bit sad of reading this. But well, everything has an end....
I can't believe i am not going to be able to see maiden many more times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Why couldn't I have been born earlier GOD DAMN IT...............)
Excellent article! Thanks for the translation.
I hope Maiden lives forever... but I think they'll release the studio album next year and tour arround the world during 06 and 07.
Then, they'll get together again in 09, for the "First 30 years..."
As much as I'd love to see them continue longer, I'd rather see them end with one last masterpiece than churn out five average albums for money and vanish into obscurity doing nostalgia tours for fifteen years.
I just hope I'll get to see them live at least once and that their next album will be one to remember. And besides, we'll still have the albums we love after they call it a day.
Thanks for the translation The Saint.
By the way, isn't Nicko 53 years old?

Have you met him there Mav?
afaik you have been to Paris, don't you?
By the way, isn't Nicko 53 years old?
Yep he is.
By the way, if Maiden would ever announce their final tour, I would do everything in my powers to be at the final gig. Whenever, whereever.
You're not alone I tell you!

I'm afraid you're right

i hateb this kind of topics!
They make me sad! And I hope to see them on their next tour
I dont care if they stop touring soon as long as they still make music...wait, no i want them to tour still....damnit why do people have to grow old...cant these guys be exempt from againg because they are such amazing musicians?!!!?
Please guys give me a break ...
Iron maiden megadeth savatage candlemass rainbow dio overkill testament death and alot of others who still on the road or not it dosn't matter, they are not just music makers they are a way of life, not like alot of the shitty sisies that they call them self a band like maryline manson,grunge bands,industrial shit and alot of meaningless songs and the music is so bad that even a ny low life experiance music player can do same rhythems and notes for all in a kind.
and looking back to the top of the list there are bands that can tear you out with just on line of the song or just one shout (savatage,candlemass) an outstanding performance and an amezing tabs the not any one how sit down for a handred eares can make the same feeling and the same teq. if I just want to say every thing I'll need more than this little words to explain so please come back to your anssisters and gods and respect what they have done to the metal hearts and open your mind to the new albums they make ..
One More Beer And Metal And I'm Just Fine,.................METAL FOREVER
It's true that Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi and the like are not touring anymore, but their music is still around and as enjoyable as ever. So chill out, Maiden's music won't disappear because they enjoy a well-deserved retirement.
Can I barrow your crystal ball. I need to know next weeks Powerball numbers.

My 40 year old dad doesn't have enough energy to handle that. Good on Mcbrain.
The first night in Oslo Bruce said that there would be another album next year, and that Maiden would come back to Oslo before christmas 2006.
Album in 2006, followed by short tour.
History part 2 DVD in 2007 or 2008, followed by tour.
Album in 2009 with short tour.
History part 3 (last part) DVD in 2010, followed by final farewell tour.
I was thinking something like that. And that's the way I think it should be.
I better catch them on these final tours because these will be my last chances of seeing my favorite band and the best metal band ever, Iron Maiden.
It's kind of sad to see such a great thing like Iron Maiden coming to an end. If only they had eternal youth!
hey guys a gossip magazine!!!
these guys always change wath people say!
I think Drifter would be an appropriate song to end their last show....

No one read what I wrote apparently...

these guys always change wath people say!
Even if it did come from a gossip magazine, it is most likely true that they don't have much longer. Unless they sell out and start releasing albums only for money, which I highly doubt, expect at the most two more studio albums and a few more tours before they call it quits by the end of the decade.

That is very true. The spirit of Iron Maiden and Eddie lives forever.
*listens to Live After Death and wishes Maiden had eternal youth*
For me, and I think for most of us here, Maiden doesn't need to release another note. They became history back in 1979. Just like Vivaldi did in his time, if you please.
Will you marry me?

No, but Prodigal Son would be a nice altar song.
Yeah, "Oh won't you help me please!"

I did!

The words had a positive intention and I agree!
Their music lives on (hopefully also some new albums

i would say 2015 is the end
Making such a statement out of the blue doesn't denote of much intelligence. You could at least explains the reasons that make you think that...

I don't know! I 've got this feeling! And Yes i'm not so intelligent!
To tell you the truth, I really don't care when Maiden retires. I'm livin' in the now. And in the "now" Maiden is kicking @$$, and they always will for me.
Plus, I think Maiden has influnced plenty of more modern bands to keep metal (and others) alive for years and years to come!
This kind of topics really annoy me. I see again people predicting how long they think Maiden has to go and how good it would be to stop on top of their popularity.
Let's me remind you to this: This is an article from a gossip magazine, are you taking this really serious? Also, it's likely according to this article that they will continue touring till Nicko is in his sixties, so that's almost ten more years! Honestly I would be disappointed if they will call it a day before the oldest member gets 65. They're humans after all, and this is (one of) their job(s), 53 is not an age to retire.
And what do you expect. Bruce saying all of the sudden; we call it a day. We read on internet forums that we should quit and we thought, yeah it's about time. We are very old after all, and we can't carry on the spirit anymore. So as a last gift to our fans we'll quite so that we won't fade away, so everyone can celebrate.
So leave the subject. I'm not saying this because this topic only. Since I became a Maiden fans I've seen to much of this topics and it's so dumb.
At the TotalRock interview with Chris Dale (available at Brucefans) Bruce confirmed three tours:
- A new album tour next year,
- a tour featuring mostly material from the late 80s albums and,
- after that, either another new album tour or something special.
He also told that in 6 years time they might be to old to keep Maiden alive, although the end of the band hasn't got a definite date yet.

The man's "only" 51!
Yeah... I'm not far from my thirties. I'm 20 years old !

Anyway, nice interview. And Maiden will stop when they want to.
Btw, Steve said that he will stop touring the day he won't be able to pick his bass guitar. Full stop.
P.S: Iron Maiden "seriously" began in 1979, not in 2003. So stop whinning !

Actually, it was 1976 (although the band formed around xmas 1975, they gave their first gig about 6 months later).
\m/ LONG LIVE MAIDEN \m/ those guys are immortal, and nikko is very very emergetic for his age!!
Ending now or in 2015, i will never forget the importance of this band in my life! The pleasure of had discovered the marvellous world of the mighty IRON MAIDEN will be carried on with me forever more! These guys are like the brothers i never met (yet)!

i hate this kind of topic, they are a strong band , i feel that bruce may throw in the towel, but maiden wont give up!!
Aaah, quit you're whinning! THe gretest Romanian rock band, Phneix, have been together since 1962 and are releasing a new album this fall. Also, their leader and guitarist, Nicu Cvaci is 58 (!) years on and I've seen them a couple of months ago in a cncert and they gave me the show of my life. No offence to Maiden, but don't think they could top what I saw there. It was the time of my life.
WHat I'm trying to say is if they're ambitious, they have the kick for a few more good years!
Well, someone said that the end of Maiden would be around 2015. Now, It might not sound as much, but it is ten years ahead! It's sad that they will stop one day, but everyone has to. Shure, all the young fans that has never seen them live before (like me) I guess are thinking "Hey, why can't they make another tour so that I can see them live?"...
That would be a hell a lot of tours, because metalfans discover Maiden every year...
I don't have anything to sayabout how long they will go on, but they won't give up very easy!
They stop in 2010 i've heard
Yet another piece of stupidity. Can you post normal messages at times?
"I've heard"... Old women gossip in exactly the same way.

Where did you hear that. At the hair salon?
Well Said...I'll Get Drunk For That
Now were the fuck did this came up..!!
i herd miaden r going to stop palying sum dya cus dats wot it sais in what must be a gossip magazine cus dats wot it sais in teh articel lol i trust eveerytihng i read anyway cus im my brain is not avbel to procude ayn sort of toughts
anyway i didnt read teh articel cus it dont have no picutres but ir ead a coment on it and tougt mabye miaden gona stop palying
lol anwyay i dont want em to stpo cus i tink tehyre teh gerates mealt band in teh wolrd,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no wait teh geratest BAND in teh workd!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I DIRNK TO MIADEN CUS TEHY RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,UP TEH IORNS

Woa, Perun...

Btw I heard Maiden will quit in 2666.
If you look at the first page of this thread...a post from our dear WED.....

edit: Also supported by SMX....
I read that Maiden had already stopped and that the guys on stage nowadays were just fakes.
I'm not sure Bruce's idea of how long Maiden has left and Maiden's idea of how long Maiden has left are one and the same. If they replaced him once, they can replace him again.
Besides which, Maiden is never really over as long as other bands derive influence from them and make Maiden's music their own.
Besides which, Maiden is never really over as long as other bands derive influence from them and make Maiden's music their own.
I'd almost rather Maiden stop altogether than having Bruce be replaced again to be honest....
We'll all cross our fingers that the next one is as good as Blaze...
Well, I'll cross my fingers that the next one is waaay fucken better than Blaze. Gimme a break, Blaze couldn't carry a tune in a backpack, not for Maiden. maybe he's good doing his own thing, but as Maiden's singer, he sucked, or very nearly so.
Bruce forever!
lichen, let me tell you that you won't get far on this board with bashing any past or present band member.
Should I point out that lichen can't write proper English to save his life and that what he writes, as far as content is concerned, is pathetic? Nah, I won't do that.