Maiden Record Three Songs Live in the Studio
As first mentioned in this thread, the boys recorded what appears to be Run To The Hills, The Trooper and Hallowed Be Thy Name in Maida Vale Studios on September 2. The "live in the studio" renditions of these songs will be broadcasted during the "Legends" show dedicated to Iron Maiden, on BBC Tue 13 Sep, 19:00 - 21.00BBC Link
Moved to Iron Maiden News
Must.... record........ program!!!
Holy shit! Great news.
Would someone post a DIRECT link to the live channel from this show?
I'd appreciate it very much! I'll be home tomorrow around the time the show starts and I don't want to miss a single bit!
Thanks in advance!
Follow the link below, then click the "Listen Live" link at the top of the page.
Who's listening Live. They are opening the show with the studio version of Number of the Beast.
and after that some reggae/rap band....Its not so good so far
can you lisen to it with windows media??
um, real player...and you can stream it through the radio 1 site
Just waiting to hear any comments on or from the band and of course what the boys recorded (Run To The Hills, The Trooper and Hallowed Be Thy Name) in Maida Vale Studios on September 2. The "live in the studio" renditions of these songs will be broadcasted during the show. offense - but this music kinda sucks... my opinion

I'll sit through two hours of "sucks" to hear three Live studio performances by Iron Maiden!
me too

already heard one of them.....Im lookin forward to the interview more than anythin.....
this is absolute crap, its a feckin dance dj pretendin to be an iron maiden fan.
The first song was the original studio version, not one of the three we're waiting for.

Did you hear what he said about standin in the feild of the hell did he survive
he's abviously ballbagging. where would he stand in a field of 200,000 fans. unless he went to rio or something. he probably googled iron maiden and read out the first thing he saw because he knows nothing about them. just doin this show to fill his slot
yep he doesnt know a shit 'bout them

Well done David Wuster(?) who sent in that text. p.s this is my 100th post
lol nice text "shut up and put maiden on"
Donnington Monsters of Rock
Oh, Franz Ferdinand, Great!!! (lies)
Is Donnington not only 100,000?
I want a fast forward button!
bastards! thought they were playing it then
why can't they put them play NOW...?! oh my god this music...
dont ya just love it *sarcasm*
Arctic Monkeys, there's no such thing is there?
obviously there IS xD lol name...

Yeah, Bruce is on
Is anybody taping this?

1 hour and eight minutes. Finally!
it thought they would never start the intervew...! THE TROOPER
Is Bruce making up that thing about Prodigy for a joke?
@1 hour and 16 minutes, The Trooper.
@1 hour and 25 minutes, Run to the Hills.
may be.. i didnt understand the whole thingy.. poor english u see

I think he was tying to be polite.

Last track now... and damn hallowed sounds good
@1 hour and 36 minutes, Hallowed Be Thy Name.
Kick Ass!
Should be edited and made into a thirty minute broadcast, including shout outs, Bruce interveiw, and three live in studio tracks.
Or better yet, Live Studio Track EP.
wasnt bad in the end....I would of liked to hear some different songs other than the 3 they always play (hallowed, run to the hills, trooper)
something like aces high or wildest dreams
something like aces high or wildest dreams
yep me too.. but those were really great too (you have to admit it, eh? ;-) ) will there come something more...?

of corse they are good songs...they are the classics...but I have heard them enough! you have to admit they are overplayed...
ooh yesh, oh yesh.. cant wait 'till the next album!! .. (see you around on these pages