Maiden Shirt Spotting in Britney Video
Seems Iron Maiden is still trendy for popstars. Cameron Diaz was seen wearing a Maiden shirt. The singer from Liberty X had a special Maiden outfit in one of her last public appearance.A 'Purgatory' T-Shirt was also seen in a Justin Timberlake
...his ex-girl had to respond:
So, in Britney latest video, 'Do Somethin', a party girl is seen wearing a 'No Prayer for The Dying' outfit.

...or is it 'No Prayer for Justin' ?
Thanks to DeadlySins for the scan !
Lovely, I'm sure Britney Spears really loves heavy metal and isn't just doing it for publicity.
u forgot [/irony]
They've probably never heard any Maiden records, the only reason Hollywood celebs are wearing them theese days is because it's some kind of fashion. They don't know the great music they've missed out on.
It´s sad.
Fuckin Holywood circus clowns. What do they know about Maiden?
They only hunger for cred, pathetic assholes with to much money.
I say FUCK EM!!!
Fuckin Holywood circus clowns. What do they know about Maiden?
They only hunger for cred, pathetic assholes with to much money.
I say FUCK EM!!!
Oh yeah, some people in music videos are wearing Maiden shirts. How cruel, how evil, I'm feeling bothered, it definetly also worth to get mad about it and curse.
I like it. It shows Maiden are fashionable, and maybe reaching out to a different kind of audience. And if thats just bollocks... at least the T-Shirts are selling!
Now Iron Maiden should put dancers, in their next video clip, wearing Britney's famous t-shirt "I'm Virgin.. and they call me a b***h and a liar too". Or maybe no, it's to much respect for her.
Anyway, that's bull s**t, I bet she never heard an Iron Maiden song. She just added this shirt in her video clip to show that she is on the same level with Maiden. What a pathetic attitude...
Not cruel or evil, just pathetic. If you don’t care...good for you. Personally i just hate it.
nice!, just think about it, a lot of girls using Iron Maiden shirts everywhere... uhmm donuts uhmm...
Didnt it occur to any of you lot that pop singers actually like good music....
Or possibly they might like the t-shirts anyway....I dont see how you are all offended if they might wear something because they like the look of it....its like wearing a nike t-shirt even if you cant stand brand lables but like the look of that one my opinion their is nothing wrong with it.
Or possibly they might like the t-shirts anyway....I dont see how you are all offended if they might wear something because they like the look of it....its like wearing a nike t-shirt even if you cant stand brand lables but like the look of that one my opinion their is nothing wrong with it.
Its just because heavy metal t-shirts (especially with motives from the 80) are very hip right now. For me they are more than hip, they stand for good music (most of the times). And you don´t wear them just as a fashion statment, but you wear them to show your support for the band.
I think Gom is right about wearing the t-shirt as a support for the band. But it can be used for both of "support" and fashion, it's logical.
By the way, I just wanted to add that Britney, a POP singer, has no reasons to put an IM shirt on her video clip other then to show a bigger image of herself, like "yeah, I'm into great music too" ! Yeah, and you're still a virgin too, right ?
Yeah but as I said before. she might actually like the look of the t-shirt. it doesnt nessiceraly (I really cant spell that word) mean she likes the band. just the shirt
I think she doesn't know who Iron Maiden is !! No...that's too much, and an insult to the greatest band, 'Maiden, of course.
Yeah, sure she liked the "No Prayer for the Dying" t-shirt, since it appeared on her video clip, but it was done just to show that she's cool. You know what I mean, the Rock 'n Roll/Heavy Metal style etc... Just a pathetic, self proclaiming singer, girl!
P.S: It's "Necessarily"
hmmm thanks.....
is it even her wearing the shirt in that video
Listen, mates.
The whole idea of wearing Maiden and other related metal/hard rock shirts in videos is to flash that "We're rebels".
Parents identify with that music, as they grew up in the 70s, 80s. They see these shirts, and they think "this shows rebellion."
Of course, kids who see it think the same, because metal is more underground than ever, especially in pop dominated America.
Im not tryin to be a rebel by listnin to metal, having long hair etc.
I do understand that it isnt highly approved....but its what I want to be.
I'm actually not sure what I'm trying to say now so I will shut up...I need sleep so I will continue this conversation tomorrow...And also try to explain what I am tryin to say....see ya
I don´t really care bout the intention or if they´ve got maiden albums or not, I feel very proud of that kind of thigs because they identify metal directly with maiden, that makes me think "holy s***t!! that´s cool, my fave band is the most known symbol of metal!"
Also i feel great about it cause directly or not, they made publicity to the band. Maiden has never (well, few times only) had to made a tv add or things like that cause the big(ggest) marketing campaign they have is eddie, specially on t shirts, so that the stereotype of a metalhead normally wears a maiden t shirt ... so who cares if it´s james hetfield, blackie lawless or britney who wear a maiden tshirt... (at least she paid for it
Im seriosly not sure if it is even britney wearin it in that vid.
I was wondering what a trendy "Rock T" would go for and I found this.....
So this would mean that each one of us would probably have about $1000 worth right????