Maidenfans Needs Help
Today is a day I have been fearing for some time. As regular visitors are no doubt aware, we have been offline for a number of days now. The reason for this is that for some time now our visitor numbers have been exceeding all past records for the site. The forum in particular has become a very active community. These heavy user numbers have led to an increase in the load our site has on the server that hosts it. This load has had a negative effect on other websites sharing the same server and our hosting company acted by suspending our account.We were left with two options.
1. Shut and the Iron Maiden Commentary and Metal For Life down and give up.
2. Upgrade to a dedicated server that only our website uses so we can no longer have a negative effect on anyone but ourselves.
After the incidents at the last night of Ozzfest it would be almost criminal for us to just give up so here we are on a dedicated server. Great news I'm sure you'll agree but with one downside.
Owning a PC that contains nothing but your website is an expensive business. It is going to cost us $100 a MONTH to keep this site online. Neither myself nor Maverick are in a position where we can afford to do this. Advertising revenue will support the website for a while but unless a corporate sponsor takes on the website or we get financial support from somewhere else then this could be the last months of It's a great site and we're all proud of it but both Maverick and myself are agreed that its not worth getting into financial trouble for Maiden or any other band.
So I appeal once again to the fans of the site for their help. While I don't want to do this given that there are charities such as Clive Burr's MS Trust that are more worthy of a Maiden fans hard earned dollar [or pound or Yen or Euro...] we ask you, if you can help us keep going then please do. I've added a paypal button to the left of the wesbite where you can donate to us. I'll update the totals as often as I can so everyone can see the financial needs of the site. If you can't afford to donate then click a banner ad once in a while. If you buy CD's online, contemplate getting them from via a link on our site as we get a very small referal bonus from these sales. The more you spend the larger our bonus - especially if you bought something expensive like a Dyson or a digital camera

If the worst happens and we can't pay the bills then I just want to say thankyou to every last one of you for making this site what it is especially to the news team and everyone who contributes to our news pages. To everyone whos posted good stuff in our forums, those who submitted reviews and articles. Thankyou. Somewhat ironic that the volume of people who enjoy this site may have led to its premature end but lets not be too down OK? If we're going down then we'll go kicking and screaming waving our union jacks in the air before shoving them up Sharon Osbournes arse.
So lets brighten the mood by discussing some positive changes. We now have more bandwidth and disk space than you can shake half a dozen eggs at. Provided the feds dont come and shut us down we're now going to host a regular MP3 of a live bootleg Maiden song. Most will be fairly rare, some you may have heard some maybe not but its here its free but for one week only(ish). After that we'll replace it with a new track.
We're also in a position to offer webspace to Maidenfans. We can't do it for free [for the reasons above] but we'll do it a damn site cheaper than any web host could offer you. Provided youre running a Maiden or Maiden related website then we'll host it for you. I'm not sure on pricing or the amount of disk space we can offer yet but email us to discuss it if youre interested.
Despite the looming shadow that threatens to end the site for good, a new layout is still in the works based on the Somewhere in Time artwork. A new PHP based site backend is also in development which will improve the amount and quality of information available on the website plus making it easier to find what you want to find as well as making sure you have plenty of options available such as RSS and Email alerts to keep you updated on news and tours etc so you never miss a thing. There are also a couple of new interactive features planned that you can get involved with if youre that way inclined.
So its not all bad news. We'll still deliver the best Maiden news service anywhere around, Mav will still bring you the most concise Encyclopedia of Maiden you'll find on the net and you lot will still enjoy visiting us.... won't you?

words of wisdom my friend...
If this site goes down, you should really do a cheaper one with the link only with less features (I'm afraid )
Let's just pray it won't
I haven't a credit card (and thus no paypal account), but is there some way I could mail a cheque or something?
Paypal do e-cheques. How do they work?
From what I remember, Paypal offers the possibility to pay directly from a bank account (you don't need a credit card) and some kind of electronic cheque as well.
I will check this asap and let you all know.
This site is better than the official site!
If we could get enough people, maybe we could storm Rod with the problem!.... This is an important site for many Maiden fans, and maybe if we could get that message over to him, he could maybe to something as far as funding goes?
Perhaps The only potential downside being that if Maiden had official funding on the site they would probably want some say over the content so no negative comments in the news no bootleg MP3s etc. If HMV or Amazon thought funding us would be good then that would be the ideal - even if it DID mean their logo being splashed all over the website
I tried to make a donation on paypal, and recieved the massage, "Sorry, we are experiencing technichal difficulties. Message 5302"
Great they'll be asking for donations next
The donation button is now on the left of the site. I've added a bar so you can see current donations. Please note that this bar is updated manually by myself so if you make a donation and it doesnt move its because I haven't seen it yet not because we didnt get it!
Is the donation in US$ or english £ ?
If we could get enough people, maybe we could storm Rod with the problem!.... This is an important site for many Maiden fans, and maybe if we could get that message over to him, he could maybe to something as far as funding goes?
He surely spends enough money to maintain the official site. Better ask BBC 6 music or Astraeus ( they probably enjoy music in there

The Paypal link works now. I started with 1 pound or $1.86. I challenge every other Maidenfan to do the same or more and see what kind of start it makes.
1 pound, call me cheap but it's better than nothing.
I think its in £ but you might be able to change it. Not sure. Since we're paying for the server in dollars I might change it but my own curency is £ so I lose money on currency conversion if I do.
1 pound, call me cheap but it's better than nothing.
Thanks very much. Dont you dare think its cheap. I'm incredibly grateful for every penny! The fact anyone thinks this site is good enough to donate money to at all makes me incredibly proud! Thanks to you and the others who have donated so far. I've just updated the totals
Added the little I had left on my account... 1.15£
I will check this asap and let you all know.
As I suspected, it's not set up to work with Canadian banks. To pay diirectly from a bank account you need a debit account which has a Visa/MC/AmEx ATM card with it.
Real World, I'm going to contact you via PM to see if we can make alternate arrangements. I enjoy these forums and the IMC too much not to pay my share

Just donated £10... hope it helps!!!!
Thanks for the donations everyone!!!
We've been kicking around various ideas to raise money for the site in the monkey forum for months so maybe some of them might see the light of day sometime soon given the current circumstances.
I'm afraid I can't donate anything myself but I'll contribute to the site in other ways
Im so sorry, but i cant afford a donation, becouse i dont have a real income accept 30 dollars a month, if only....
1 pound, call me cheap but it's better than nothing.
Finaly I got in

Forever UP The Irons!
I can't donate anything at the moment (for the simple reason that I don't have any money!), but I will as soon as possible. It just can't be very much.

No worries mate we got your back.
I've not got much, but I love this site, so I'll see if I can send you a quid (at least) every month.
Could you please find a way for us who are not even from any big country like Canada but are willing and able to donate?
I've been here for barely three months but I value the site and the community very much. Please don't give up, we won't.
I don't have any money. I hope this site continues, because it's much better than the official
what banners should we click on?
Looking good, only a few dollars left for this month, hope everybody can keep donating in the months to come!
Thankyou so much. Every one of you. Almost $100 in less than a day is fucking awesome. At this rate we'll have paid a years hosting in less than 2 weeks
Serriously though guys thankyou! It means a lot to us. I want to reward everyone who contributed in some way. Not sure how yet but I'll be in touch.
If you can't afford to contribute - thankyou anyway! Just stay with us, contribute to the forum and if you find any news then contribute that way. Or post some reviews and stuff. You guys rock. how do us Americans donate?
If I have the time , after finishing raising the goal amount for the Clive fund , I can put up another original on Ebay...would that help?
Are there any other ways to maintain Maidenfans? well I mean, 100 dollars cant be aquired every month for many months if no advertising is placed, I think. maybe finding another forum server? or maybe not...maybe this one's the best... I DONT KNOW but this cant end... Its the best site ive seen.
Sorry... i cant give money, im in school and dont have an income yet.
Another 10 quids coming your way guys! Hope it's of some help 'cos
this site's the best there is!!
I've invested 5 GBP to keep it alive and I've set up a thread on our forum to help!!!
Keep it goin' RW+Mav!!
Be(a)st regards from the Austrian Corner!
Through paypal. Theres no restriction on what country you donate from as far as I know only that it forces you to pay in £ for some reason.
That would be pretty damn amazing I must say but I couldn't expect you to do that! I feel really guilty about trying to get money out of people like this.
Are there any other ways to maintain Maidenfans? well I mean, 100 dollars cant be aquired every month for many months if no advertising is placed, I think. maybe finding another forum server? or maybe not...maybe this one's the best... I DONT KNOW

Sorry... i cant give money, im in school and dont have an income yet.
We have advertising banners and affiliate links with They will maintain an income but its unreliable. I'm expecting an advertising payment in a few days. That should cover at least a months hosting too.
Thanks again everyone
I'll be making a donation tonight to support such an excellent resource on everything Iron Maiden.
Was thinking of an idea to help raise funds. I have several Maiden items I'd be willing to donate to be put up on ebay by I have vinyls for Live After Death, Piece of Mind and Women in Uniform for example and I'd be willing to donate them if it helps raise funds. Just an idea don't know whether it's good or not.
Hi Real World, Here's an extra fiver to get the site get going - temporarily solution at least- Hope that every devoted member of this great site will "give a little bit" as Supertramp (and now Goo Goo Dolls) would encourage you to do, with the extra acoustic guitar! And as far as asking Rod or whoever from the official Maiden planet, better forget about it. Don't forget this nice nickname of his: Rod Smallwallet. That doesn't come for no reason. Nice bloke but "des oursins dans les poches"/ (more or less "hedgehogs in his pocket") as we say (well as I say) here in lovely Paris.
Keep up the brilliant job!
Just made my donation of £5 - just about all I can afford, as a broke student who couldn't be bothered to get a summer job . Hope it helps.
We've just raised enough to pay for all of October. We've had some very generous offers of assistance from the fans. If you haven't already done so but you've had an idea how you can help besides using the paypal button on the left of the site then please email me at realworld at and we can discuss it. Posting it here or anywhere else is likely to just get missed or forgotton about.
Wow, people are generous. Thank you everybody !!
you should set up some kind of address so people like me with no paypal or bank could send in cash...I would be happy to send a couple quid a week in for my favererouite site...especially if your offering free mp3s
Only address I have is my home one and I sure as hell aint putting that on the net
RW lives at 666 Acacia Avenue, just down the road from Charlotte.
Many many thanks to for adding the 'Maidenfans needs help' as their primary news today !
Your website is really an important part of the Maiden community and it has always been nice to be able to share information with you. Thanks, we're touched.
I don't come here often, but this is a nice escape from the IMBB.
Just let me get Hammersmith over and done with and i'll send a few quid
hello just tried to make a donation again and i dont seem to be able to,is there a problem?
Well due my Dad not liking Paypal, it seems I can't donate
However, I do purchase a lot from amazon (The only site he does trust with his credit card) so in the future I'll follow the link from the site.
You know, just though I'd do my bit and stuff.
Wait a minute, where is this Amazon link?
Does it exist? Or did I dream it?
On the front page you'll see a "Buy Now" link for Tyranny of Souls. Click that and then navigate Amazon as usual. It should remember where you came from
Not sure. What problem was there?
[edit]...Oh apart from the paypal button going missing. Thought it had been quiet today. D'oh. It's back now
I have not been a member for too long but i have to say that i am so impressed at for their honesty about this situation and i will be donating asap.i think we would feel a bit lost without so come on boys and girls lets do what we can eh?
A billion thanks to Bravewords. Very nice words you had for us. You've been a personal favorite of mine since the beginning.
IRON MAIDEN Companion To Help Excellent Fansite [Hot Flashes - 05.08.31 19:02:32]
According to, has offered the site a limited run on the IRON MAIDEN Companion book to make available to the fans through their website. Fans can purcahse both the Iron Maiden Companion and the Iron Maiden Companion Update 1 for the special price of $58 US. What's more, by purchasing the books through the website, you will be contributing to their survival as a percentage of each book sold goes towards their server fees. has used as a great resource for Maiden information. ALL these quality metal fansites NEED to survive. For more info regarding their plight head to this location.
So many donations, big thanks to all who have donated
Have another £10
I enjoy the website when I can, and it provides me with the most indepth discussions and latest news you could hope for. Keep up the good work.
P.S I also bought £40 worth on Amazon using your link
Thanks again to all :grin:
If i had some money i would donate. Maybe next month. You guys will get a donation from me!
If donations keeps it up like the last week, then the site won't last for long How is it going with finding other ways to get money?
Still waiting on some advertising revenue to come through. I think its fair enough that we've made it to the end of October and part of November and people have stopped donating. I would never expect the money to pour in every day till the end of time.
I'm going to set up something new shortly though that will hopefully bring in regular money.
Hey, I tried my Mastercard four times and it never went through it is supposed to be valid worldwide. Does any body have an idea of what's going on or how can I make a donation if pay pal doesn't take my card???