More New Bruce Promo Pictures has released some new promo pictures of Bruce in the anticipation of his new solo effort, 'Tyranny of Souls'.Be sure to check them, they are great ones.
The photo's were taken by John Mcmurtrie

seems like noone notices it's even here
I noticed, and I'm grateful for this link. The others are just too busy in other threads, showing how dumb they can be.
Noticed and moved. This is newsworthy !
Some older ones have disappeared from their site. Sad !
Did anyone put them on their HD ?
Looks like he's in a toilet to me
QUOTE(Real World @ May 10 2005, 08:50 PM)
Looks like he's in a toilet to me
Reminiscent of Balls To Picasso

most of them are on my Harddisk... if you need them just say it
nice picks;)hahaaaaa
anyone remembers that "Streets Of Philadelphia" video by Bruce Springsteen... I can't help but think of it when I see that pic.