Murderdolls to support Maiden in Graz ?
In what appears to be a 'back-to-the-future' typo, Murderdolls seems to be the support for Iron Maiden for the Graz gig, at least according to
They already supported Maiden on some European Give Me Ed dates in 2003... It's strange to see them back as I think 'Arry didn't like them too much (same with the crowd

I heard something about they have disbanded somewhere ?!
I've checked. They're not touring, only their singer is doing solo dates.
Must be a typo.
Must be a typo.

The Murderdolls singer will appear at Download this year (for those interested).
I have never understood Maiden's choise of support bands, it seems to be quite erratic at times. For example, on the DoD tour they had Funeral for a Friend who quite frankly rubbish. I remeber thinking, maybe they chose them to give them a boost in their musical career. then after seeing them on 4 of the UK dates where they were booed of stage every night, I thought how did that help them at all?
I have come to the conclusion that any band supporting Maiden is inconsequential and will be booed, because we're all there to see the best band ever aren't we? Why waste our time with some nobodies 'warming up' the crowd?
Anyway, Murderdolls have split up, one of the guitarists went on record as saying he hated doing it and wants no part of it in the future.
Well, I saw "Gamma Ray" as supporter in Munich 2003 just before Maiden!
I'd say that was the best supporter I've ever seen.
They really warmed the crowd up...
But, I agree with you to say, Maiden's choice of supporters is a bit strange...
I just think about the Spiritual Beggars...
Eddie Rips up the World Tour will be better, just as there are a bit more festivlas without supporters and the supporters we already know (WT + DT) are pretty good...
Be(a)st regards,
I just think about the Spiritual Beggars...
Well, that was actually the best opening act for Maiden since the 80s. I really enjoyed their music and bought their Ad Astra CD at the show.
Just a matter of taste here again, I suppose

dream theater are great musicians
but im missing some really new and interesting bands wich can help themselves and Maiden too IMO
remember all that famous names back in 80s: twisted sister, accept, motley crue, metallica, guns n roses
i liked very much choice of entombed on 2000 tour. i like slayer very much too. theyre just great but i dont think it could bring new fans to the IM army
IMO: I don't think supporters of Maiden have to job to bring new fans... it's just a way to get more attention by playing just before Maiden.
And while we are writing about them - they have the attention they needed
Be(a)st regards,
@MAV: I think I'll give it a try again and listen to some songs... I just didn't liked them before the Maiden gig (prejudiced? )
Dragonforce will be supporting Maiden in Graz...
Yeah I know already - forgot to post!
Thanks for Info Polish_Eddie!
We shoudl meet up in Praque

Be(a)st regards,
Thanks for Info Polish_Eddie!
We shoudl meet up in Praque

Be(a)st regards,
Yeah, we'll meet there!

I wonder who will be supporting Maiden in Prague? I hope not Dragonforce...