New Maiden Football Jersey
Here's one to drool at:Eddie's Megastore has posted a picture of Steve wearing the new football shirt:

The shirt is available from May 23rd through the Megastore and on the coming tour.
Dont know about you but i'm more into women myself

Nice find though mate

what the H(ell) is wrong with you!?!?!?!
Just for the record: I am NOT homosexual.
But yes, I do drool over a cool new Maiden jersey, since I'm the Maidenfreak, right? Now stop trying to flirt with me through subtle messages

Sorry freaky, i'll make it more obvious next time

Will move this tomorrow. We already have 5 very recent news (featured on the main page) and for them to be viewed properly, we'll wait a few hours.
I didn't even think you'd move it to News, just thought I would share it here
Moved to Iron Maiden News
he doesn't arouse me either !!
but very nice shirt, wish I could buy it elsewhere instead of the Megastore , don't they have shops like that in Belgium ...

but very nice shirt, wish I could buy it elsewhere instead of the Megastore

the megastore is online.... you do obviously have an internet connection so it should not be a problem

*Hands Freaky a bib*
Has Arry gained a little weight? He seems a bit pudgy.
How many notes is this likely to set us lot back, then? I know it isn't priced on Eddie's Megastore, but what were the old versions going for?
Just for the record: I am NOT homosexual.
But yes, I do drool over a cool new Maiden jersey, since I'm the Maidenfreak, right? Now stop trying to flirt with me through subtle messages

Right! He keeps thinking im a lesbian!!
cool shirt
Its a beautifull t-shirt...