Next Maiden European Tour in Winter 2006
Bruce announced today from the stage of the sold out 56.000 capacity Ullevi Stadium in Gothenburg, that the next Maiden tour will begin in Winter 2006 to support the new album.He also said that Maiden wouldn't be able to play Ullevi again because it'll be too cold so they will have to find a way to squeeze almost 60.000 people in indoor venues in Sweden.
It could mean that Maiden would have to do 2 concerts in Sweden next, even if that is only speculation at the moment.
Also, winter 2006 was mentionned for Sweden, but it doesn't say if Maiden would start with Europe or do another leg of the tour first. Sources from EMI in Latin America have said that Maiden would go back there in 2006 also.
The new Maiden album is expected for spring-summer 2006, with the band entering in sessions in November this year.
Moved and edited.
I predict that the next Maiden will come out in April/May, they will tour North America and South America from the summer to fall, and then they will tour Europe and Japan from the fall to the winter. It could happen. I'm not sure if it's normal for them to tour the western hemisphere before the eastern hemisphere, though.
I really hope they come to Greece on all of their future tours especially the History of maiden part two, because Bruce promised us they are going to play Alexander the great!!!!
Thanks for the update!
hum that sounds really interesting!
I hope this turns out true...
I need to start saving money, because in Winter 2006 my daughter will be 1,5 years - and I'm more flexible


I wonder if Bruce meant Winter 2006 as in January-March or December...
I hope november,late december or january-march.
Otherwise when the play begin december i can't go and see them because of those stupid tests at school.
North America.....YES !!!! Excelentemondo.........
Ill be here...or there....
europe that better be portugal!!! haha of course! annd winter being december.ish 2006?
I was wondering the same thing, but he also said that the new album will come out in spring/summer of '06, so he must mean December of '06...
I think he means december 06 because he said in Oslo that they would come back "Around Christmas next year".
Good to see they are not gonna just tour festivals and in the summer from now on. Maybe I can see them in a stadium!
This will also link into bruces touring plans in the summer of 2006. Well he hasnt said it will happen but he said maybe.
F*cking great news!

thanks for that

Already knew that. I was there to see and hear it all...