One of Rarest Maiden Vinyl Sold
Usually, wouldn't report auctions, but the famous Twilight Zone misprint brown 7" vinyl was sold on eBay for an price of ... 5202 USD ! ranks it as the second most sought-after Maiden item:
TWILIGHT ZONE – brown vinyl miss press UK 1981 EMI5145 This is the big one as only a few copies exist to this day. Count yourself very fortunate to own this vinyl, as there is little chance of getting a copy if you don’t. This will easily set you back £1000 plus for a mint copy.
Sources: Ebay,
I'm still puzzled: is the sleeve that comes with it a real one or just one made by someone collecting Maiden items...
I thought this vinyl shoudn't come with a sleeve...
Still, that's a lot for a Maiden record !

I read about this record in another topic, but that it could rise to that level in price, i could never imagined...
I thought this vinyl shoudn't come with a sleeve...
Still, that's a lot for a Maiden record !
It should not come with a sleeve, as it is a misprint. I think there is only 6 of these made also.
indeed 6 had come out, which obviously wasn't the intention... the rest was destroyed
but don't see why you should buy that one, there are so often mispresses (completely whites,...) so why is it so valuable ?! just because there are only a few or also because of the mixed colors... ?
edit: he also says he has the 23.58 japanese vinyl, could he mean the nr.1 rarest item, the promo ?! => btw: how many of that one were released !?
They are more than 6 copies of the Japanese Promo, but indeed it's the most sought-after item. I don't know the exact number of copies.
The sleeve thing with that brown vinyl could be a myth. Difficult to know.
I saw this and was very tempted.... then the price rose.... and rose.... and rose.... and i sighed....
The sleeve thing with that brown vinyl could be a myth. Difficult to know.
The thing about the sleeve though is that it wouldnt be anything unique or special even if it did come with an "official" sleeve because again, the vinyl is a misprint, not the sleeve.
I paid 200 euro's for the Maiden Japan from venezuela, i thought it was much but this is amazing.
I'm also a collector - but that's crazy...
My god...
The same guy is selling that top-rare Maiden item. Is it possible that the same guy owns both ?
Yeah it said in the description for the twilight zone brown vinyl that he would be selling the 23:58 in a few days.
I say we take a bet on the final price of the 11:58 jap promo.
I think it will sell for 1500.00 US dollars.