Paul Di'Anno Releases His Anniversary T-Shirt
Paul 'The Beast' Di'Anno has released a T-Shirt celebrating his 25 years of career.Check the design by clicking on the thumbnail:
If u can call the 23 other years a carrier....
whye does he use maiden font on his things, he is no more maidne..GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD!!!!
I've got one of those
paul rulez
whye does he use maiden font on his things, he is no more maidne..GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD!!!!
Paul is my mate, and was the first signer of ´´ Iron Maiden´´ & ´´Killers´´ so if he want to use iron maiden front and play iron maiden songs..He can do it.
Paul is a GREAT guy, and every who hate him, isnt maiden fan.
Paul rulez !

Although I agree entirely with the first part of the sentence, I find the rest absolutely ridiculous.
Following your reasoning, anyone who thinks that a musician of Maiden, past or present (hello Dennis Stratton and Janick Gers), is not quite up to the level of quality of the rest of the band cannot therefore be a "real" fan. Well, if accepting sheepishly whatever Maiden do or not criticising any aspect of the band is being a "true" fan, then I'm not.

Well, the font wasn't invited by Maiden, but first used by David Bowie in the early seventies...
I've never seen anything previous to Maiden using this font. I assumed the font was created by Steve on the hand drawn Soundhouse Tapes cover. If someone knows of something earlier than 1979 please copy and paste it hear for us to see. Or give us the name of the band and album and we can find it ourselves. I did not find a David Bowie album using this font.
Check this (from 1976):
I do not hate his Maiden records, but it is so stupid that he uses 90 % of his conserts on maiden,
Blaze and Bruce did not do that on their shows. they used/uses 2-3 maiden songs,
and the dvd Beast in the East,i didn't like that one,
running free as a death metal song....
Blaze and Bruce did not do that on their shows. they used/uses 2-3 maiden songs,
and the dvd Beast in the East,i didn't like that one,
running free as a death metal song....
Sorry mate, but you don't know what you're talking about.
As for the T-shirt, I really don't like the design. I could have done a lot better myself.

People who bash members of the band past or present aren't true fans of the band. It the ones who can criticise and give a fair reason for their dislike of that musican that can still be called fans. I'm not a DiAnno fan. I prefer Bruce and even Blaze performing most of DiAnnos Maiden era songs. I dislike the fact he relies so heavilly on Maiden to make money unlike Blaze or Bruce who, while drawing on their past don't rely on it. Regardless of whether that font was used before Maiden used it its still used by DiAnno because of its connecction with Maiden. Blaze doesn't write his name in the Maiden font nor does Bruce so why must DiAnno?
hes refreshing our memories

At least one who agrees with me,

Very true. Although I do like Di'Anno's work with Maiden and think his singing adds an extra spark to the early material, I agree wholeheartedly that he's relying too much on Maiden.
Trouble for Di'Anno now is that when he left Maiden, he kept a too low profile for many years. If he had pursued one solo band and released a bunch of albums as soon as possible after he left he might have got more people to appreciate his solo material as well, and wouldn't be stuck where he is now when many people actually go to his concerts only to hear the classics Maiden seldomly play. They don't care much about his other albums, and he knows that.
Shame really...
So then, Steve stole the font from David Bowie! Thats metal dude