Paul Di'Anno's Reaction to Violence in Metal
Imhotep Zine conducted interviews related to violence in Heavy Metal, after the Dimebag shooting.Here's what Paul Di'Anno has to answer to the two questions asked. Can aggressive music led people to kill others? Is there any connection between heavy music and violence / killings / crimes against humanity?
This is an extremely difficult one for me to answer due to my own personal life experiences - my old previous life style - and I certainly do not want to ever influence anyone else in any way whatsoever, as the way I previously lived was not very clever or intelligent. There is a saying: If you live by the Sword... You'll die by the Sword. I have often lived and mixed with the wrong sort of people myself and I have personally paid the price and spent two seperate terms in prison due to my stupidity.
My feeling is that you should live however you want to live your life, but you must try your best to always be your best, and not to ever hurt anyone else, or be hurt by anyone. This is just my Personal conclusion of life in certain circumstances. This is Not in any way connected to Dimebag, but just a small thought in answer to your question.
Dimebag Darrell was a wonderful man, and it is such a terrible loss that such a great man is no longer with us.
John Kalodner who worked with Maiden in the past, has this to say:
I think that music expresses the violent feeling of some fans, but they usually don't act out on these fantasies. It's possible for any rock star to evoke an act of violence, but more likely from those bands whose music is more aggressive. It's a tragedy and can happen anywhere in our American society.
Read more reactions by following the source link.
I wonder if the crazy media ran around interviewing people to ask if "peace activist hippie music" can drive people to violence/killing/crimes against humanity after John Lennon was murdered.... I don't recall anything like that.
Funny when a tragedy happens to someone in "metal" it has to be because they lived in a "violent world" of hard rock and "aggression" that drives fans to violence.
But nothing about the tragedy that befalls people who succumb to mental illness. Society treats people with mental diseases such as Schizophrenia like outcasts and weirdos so they get no support or help.
Then in their delusion they commit a horrific act and suddenly they are evil criminals driven by aggressive violent music.
Di'Anno did a good job of relating the problem to lifestyle and personal choices rather than style of music.
Man, you should see a bunch of Britanny Spears fans go at it in the 24-hour Burger King! Talk about out of control violence.... "cat fight!!!"
I have followed Paul since he was with Maiden and don't recall ever seeing he was in prison. Can anyone elaborate? What did he do? How long was he incarcerated, and when?
I know he talks about it in his own biography book, The Beast.
I'm almost sure he ended up in prison once in the US back in the early 80s. Gotta check if someone knows better.
I'm almost sure he ended up in prison once in the US back in the early 80s. Gotta check if someone knows better.
Both statements are true.
I've read the biography, moreover I know for sure he was in prison more than once.
Nevertheless, today Paul is another person, a very funny, simple and nice guy.
I have spent some time with him, trust me!

Check this thread of the official BB: