Rock In Rio Released on PlayStation Portable
After The Number of the Beast, another album from Iron Maiden is to be released in Sony's new format, UMD. Read on:Sanctuary Visual Entertainment is launching five UMD titles available for PlayStation Portable's (PSP) initial launch period. September 1, 2005 will see the launch of Sony's PSP in Europe and Australia, and on the same day, Sanctuary will release their first UMD music title — IRON MAIDEN's "Rock in Rio"...

UMDs are 2.3-inch optical discs housed in protective cases. With data storage capacity of 1.8GB, the discs can store up to 140 minutes of DVD quality video content. The format was developed by Sony for the PlayStation Portable gaming system. In January 2005, Sony announced plans to open the format to content providers interested in releasing movie and music on UMD as well as to other hardware manufacturers who want to create systems that play the discs.
Source: Blabbermouth
Moved to Maiden news.
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That's awesome! I already have it on DVD, so I'll pass, though.
Information on the PSP (PlayStation Portable) can be found at the official website
The dimensions of the PSP are 6.7 inches wide x 2.9 inches high
Nice news !
It's so fuckin' small.
Watching it on TV is much better.
Watching it on TV is much better.
Of course a TV is better, but the point is to watch on this little thing when you find yourself in place that lacks the presence of a television...
Thank you, Mr. McGyver!
TV is so small! It's better on a 15 ft screen with a projector
For the moment, I'm still very skeptikal on the sales potential on such a new format.
BluRay and HD-DVD are close to be released and will dwarf this little format. Ok, it's a format for portable devices, but who really uses these as video players ?
Maybe I'll be proven wrong, but the current numbers aren't very shiny.

MacGyver, yes, thank you

I ahve played the PSP and they are amazin! The graphics and video quality that you get on it are so clear from any angle. Although it is the only thing I know that uses UMD format.
I had heard that UMD sales passed 100000 which was a good start. However, Sony doesn't plan to include UMD on its forthcoming Playstation3, so what's the deal ?
They will push the BluRay format, that's for sure.
So, are they ready to push many non-compatible formats ? Is Sony willing to relive the Betamax failure ?