Ross Halfin New Maiden Pics, Reading Pics
Shoot Iron Maiden, it was like Custers Last Stand - not saying anymore, you can read about it all over the internet... says Ross Halfin about the San Bernardino Ozzfest show:

In related news, you can also check some Reading pics, thanks to Oozily:
Oozily's Pics
A very special pic ? On this one, you can see Steve Harris' son playing the Trooper:
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Here's Ross report of the UK festivals:
A really nice day. Off to Wimbledon for lunch with Anja, Mick Hutson (photographer) and his Swedish other half, Karen.
Kazuyo rings me and tells me Maya Gas, Patrick Ledwith and Scott Weiland's best friend Tim Duffy are working for Marilyn Manson who's playing at the Reading Festival. Kaz drives, I sleep, and off we go late afternoon, it's very hot...
Arrive and go and hang out with Iron Maiden, well, Steve Harris, who's not happy with the festival security who are very heavy-handed - and I'm being nice here.
Try out my new Nikon D2X (I think that's what it's called). Pop in the Iron Maiden hospitality tent, run into a beaming and burnt Paul Brannigan. 'Top of the morning! Can't wait till Rime of the Ancient Mariner, I've been teaching my daughter the words.' His daughter is two... 'How did you get here - by train?' I ask. 'Nooooo, I drove,' Paul answers. 'I thought you couldn't drive.' 'I bought a horse and cart like I have at home - you don't need a license and you can put your crates of Guinness and Power whisky on the back... there's even room for the baby's buggy.' I wonder how he got through the traffic. 'I've got a bell - you just ring it and the cars move out the way. You don't need to worry about yellow lines, you just park in a field.' Oh well, top of the morning...
Shoot a photo of the legendary Pig Iron guitarist Dave Pattenden and Dave Murray. Funniest thing I've seen in ages is Marilyn going on stage. The stage is about thirty feet from the dressing room and his security have the area cleared - it's the artist area - everyone must go while Brian walks through and he's the support act... Off to shoot him live, never seen him before on stage. It's actually quite entertaining and very funny in a "It's time to throw the toys out of the pram" kind of way.
Steve Harris told me he did the same thing in Leeds - he shook his head in wonderment - 'Americans.'
Stanley Harris, Steven's son, has dressed up as the trooper with a Union Jack. Shoot a few photos of father and son just before Maiden go on. Iron Maiden walk to the stage on their own...
Shoot most of the Maiden show on my new camera - enjoy the fact I have no pressure. Don't like the focusing screen on it though - too fussy. It's a good camera, but like most new cameras, excessively complicated.
And before I forget, a big thank you to PR Terry Hall, who saved me from being manhandled by the security... A fine woman.