[SPOILER] A Change in the Tour !
Iron Maiden played Graz last night and some changes occured.To know their nature, click here.
Iron Maiden played Graz last night, May 31, and, as Nicko hinted in his diary, Maiden did change the setlist:
- 'Charlotte the Harlot' was dropped in favor of 'Wrathchild'.
- 'Where Eagles Dare' was also apparently played as an intro tape before 'The Ides of March'. 'Where Eagles Dare', the song, was still played.
- Changes were also made in the running order of the songs, 'Where Eagles Dare' coming before 'Run to the Hills' as song number 5:
5. Where Eagles Dare
6. Run to the Hills
7. Wrathchild
8. Revelations
9. Die with your Boots on
Apart from that, Bruce ranted during the show, as usual, and mentionned that 'Revelations' was an old song but still "rocks like a bastard". As for 'Remember Tomorrow', here's what he said: "This is the first song they asked me to sing when I joined the band, to see if I could sing...luckily they were deaf! Remember Tomorrow!"
Finally, he added that "If you get ['Phantom of the Opera'], you get Iron Maiden" !
Thanks to Tank Killer and MrRuin for the quotes
wow dropping where eagles dare really sucks
I'm just MAD they've dropped 'Charlotte' for a song that we've heard a BILLION TIMES...
F*** it.
Where Eagles Dare and Charlotte are out? Now that lowered my anticipation to see them quite alot.
Oh well, I'm sure I will enjoy it still, but they should stop kicking the odd songs, that's what the tour was about, wasn't it?
Sounds a bit strange. They always drop rare songs after a few shows

Oh well, I'm sure I will enjoy it still, but they should stop kicking the odd songs, that's what the tour was about, wasn't it?
Only 'Charlotte' is out... Other mention is about the intro tape, nothing to worry about.
Let's be clear. The information is that 'Where Eagles Dare' was also played as an intro tape. There are no indications that the song was not played as far as I can tell.
As for dropping 'Charlotte', I find it really disappointing, mostly to replace it by a song that's been played at virtually every concert since the beginnings of the band. Needless to say, I'm really gutted about this, but what can you do? What they play is their prerogative after all, regardless of whatever the fans may say.
I just realised myself. I just interpreted that line wrong I guess. Oh well, that raised my anticipation a bit again

No Charlotte the Harlot?...
It sucks that they dropped charlotte , but that makes the 14 hour bus ride to prague worth a lot. i am happy that i saw it live.... but still it sucks that its out of the setlist.
I really don't mind missing 'Charlotte the harlot' (I've always considered it a weak song), but they should have replaced it with something more exciting than 'Wrathchild', such as 'The prisoner' or 'Children of the damned'.
I can only agree with that !!!!!! children of the damned would be better than wrathchild
They're really going the easy and lazy way here...
Personnaly, I hate Wrathshit only because this song was played at every tour since 1981,
Let's be realisitc (if it's possible). It's better if they put a song that people prefer than a 'least prefered one'. Now the problem is that the 'prefered one' has been played on every gig before even being officially released (back in 1981) but still it remains a classic, and the 'least prefered one' is a particular song that everybody misses. The ideal choice would be to put both song on the set-list, only that they didn't do it. So we still have the choice between the 'prefered song', Wrathchild, and the 'least prefered one', Charlotte the Harlot.
Being logical, on one side for a fan who's going to assist to his first gig, Wrathchild would be better, and on the other side for a fan who has been to many gigs, CtH would get his personal vote.
But frankly missing Wrathchild isn't like missing CtH, especially for a new fan.
Conclusion: This is why I prefer this set-list than the other one, even though it isn't my first gig, and I have seen Wrathchild many times live (I've never seen CtH live).
Still, the ideal thing is to put both songs on the set-list, which will please the new fans as well as the old ones.
I am quite with you there.
it was a great show, I dont mind them playing Wrathchild instead of CTTH at all. Simply put they brought the house down.
Personally I cant remember there being Where Eagles Dare as an intro before Ides of March but maybe I missed it somehow. However there was an intro to Where Eagles Dare that reminded me of Paschendale, with gunfire and lightning and battle sounds.(aka 4.Prowler 5.Battleintro 6.Where Eagles Dare 7.RTTh...) .
Bruce had some probs with his mic but his short rants were really funny.
That was probably the theme music of the film. They already used it back in 1983 as an intro to the gigs.
I would like to add that 'Wrathchild' hasn't been played on every tour. For instance, it was quite rare on the "World slavery tour" and "Somewhere on tour" shows and it wasn't played during the "Virtual XI" and "Give me Ed...Til I'm dead" tours.
Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!! I'm so pissed off right now! I always disliked Wrathchild passionatly and what do i see?! Charlotte is dropped in favor of that lemon!!!! F**K THAT! Does anyone else agree with me, that charlotte the harlot has one of the coolest ever mosh-parts buried somewhere inside its middlesection?! I was lookin' forward to this a whole $*'')! week! At least no FOTD. So tired of all that stuff. What's the purpose anyway?! Is Wrathchild more popular? Would other songs not be that popular as well, if they were as overplayed as WC? I can't believe it. I guess we will never see CTH again, if they don't make up their mind on THIS tour.
For all the persons bemoaning the return of "Wrathchild", consider this:
Perhaps the band, for some odd reason, felt that "Charlotte The Harlot" wasn't working out and needed to be replaced with something. The question is, what? Older songs like "Children Of The Damned" might be great for the fans, but maybe Maiden hadn't rehearsed those older songs and wasn't prepared to play them live. They needed to pick an old song that was so familiar that it didn't need rehearsal - and the only song which fits that description (and wasn't already on the setlist) is "Wrathchild".
F*** it.

me too!! Charlotte is much bettere than wratchild, and we have heard it a billion times!!bloody wratchild!
Will be cool.....if they change 1 or 2 songs at every 2-3 GiG...i think
But..Charlote is out?

Well, people, look at this on the bright side. At least they didn't replace Where Eagles Dare or Phantom of the Opera with Wrathchild. Like Seventh Son said, Charlotte was the least prefered song and for a person who has never seen Maiden live, such as myself, I'd prefer seeing Wrathchild. I think it is a better song than Charlotte. And they most likely would have dropped Charlotte for Ozzfest, so it's not like I would have seen it. As long as they don't drop Where Eagles Dare, Murders in the Rue Morgue, Phantom of the Opera, Revelations, and the "must have" songs (IE: Hallowed Be Thy Name), I'm happy.
why did don't they play still live ? that would be fuckin great!!!
Perhaps the band, for some odd reason, felt that "Charlotte The Harlot" wasn't working out and needed to be replaced with something. The question is, what? Older songs like "Children Of The Damned" might be great for the fans, but maybe Maiden hadn't rehearsed those older songs and wasn't prepared to play them live. They needed to pick an old song that was so familiar that it didn't need rehearsal - and the only song which fits that description (and wasn't already on the setlist) is "Wrathchild".
Well, now that the next show isn't to take place until Saturday( 4 days to go) the band may have enough time for some rehearsing...some songs they haven't played for ages like 'The Prisoner' or 'Children of the Damned'.

question (maybe stupid one )
read somewhere on the forum that they only played for 105minutes or so, but on Graspop (Belgium - June 26.), they play 2 hours (120m ), so can it be they play a few songs more ?, it can be 2 songs no ?!
anyway, great bands coming that sunday, other days are less (atleast for me)
I don't remember hearing Where Eagles Dare as an Intro before Ideas of March. I might have missed it but don't think they would use a song in the set as an intro.
Bruce made of point of telling the audience that they would onl be playing songs from the first four Maiden albums don't know if he's done that at other shows but I wondered if that was a reaction to the crowd chanting for Fear of the Dark in Poland.
It was a Great Show.
Ahem. I have a theory.
Consider that Maiden's doing this for a double live CD/DVD. If they're recording the shows, they may have decided, after listening to it...that Charlotte the Harlot has been adequately recorded. Thus, switching in Wrathchild only makes sense to increase the amount of songs on the CD/DVD. Perhaps a few of the other songs will be swapped about as well.
Consider that Maiden's doing this for a double live CD/DVD. If they're recording the shows, they may have decided, after listening to it...that Charlotte the Harlot has been adequately recorded. Thus, switching in Wrathchild only makes sense to increase the amount of songs on the CD/DVD. Perhaps a few of the other songs will be swapped about as well.
It's in agreement my theory too... (1 - 2 songs every 2-3 gigs)
Perhaps the band, for some odd reason, felt that "Charlotte The Harlot" wasn't working out and needed to be replaced with something. The question is, what? Older songs like "Children Of The Damned" might be great for the fans, but maybe Maiden hadn't rehearsed those older songs and wasn't prepared to play them live. They needed to pick an old song that was so familiar that it didn't need rehearsal - and the only song which fits that description (and wasn't already on the setlist) is "Wrathchild".
Thank you SMX! Someone who talks sense. You guys need to think about this from Maiden's point of view.
And thank you Loosey too.. Cos your theory sounds goods to me!
No more Wrathchild! play something different! please?
F*** it.

Guys you are lucky that you are able too seem Maiden play those songs millions of times here we have only seen Maiden once just f**king once now that sucks. I would be happy to hear any songs live and i am not talking about watching a bloody DVD!!!!!
I predict by the end of the tour it will be:
2 mintues to midnite
Iron Maiden
Man on the edge
Sign of the Cross
Heaven can wait
Ending w/ Futureal
Oh yeah? I can top that one.
I predict by the end of the tour it will be:
Quest For Fire
Back In The Village
Alexander The Great
Deja Vu
Sun And Steel
Only The Good Die Young
Como Estais Amigos
The Nomad
Iron Maiden
And for the encore:
The Angel And The Gambler, in which they'll repeat the never-ending chorus endlessly until the audience finally gives up and goes home.
iam so lucky that i heard 2 times Charlotte I can live without Wrathchild but its excellent song and it suits this tour...
I think the tour will end with songs of the next album, coming out in 2006 !
I hope so...

I have to disagree, SMX. I foresee the shows becoming more theatrical with time, and in the end, the setlist will be:
Reach Out
Black Bart Blues
Pass The Jam
I Live My Way
That Girl
Justice Of The Peace
More Tea Vicar
Mission From 'Arry
The Trooper
Iron Maiden
The Number Of The Beast
Judgement Day

I would give three of my toes to see that performed live!
show me your legs!!!
nothing is lost
its still possible that the playlist may vary with every gig
cant wait to hear it in paris!!
Consider that Maiden's doing this for a double live CD/DVD. If they're recording the shows, they may have decided, after listening to it...that Charlotte the Harlot has been adequately recorded. Thus, switching in Wrathchild only makes sense to increase the amount of songs on the CD/DVD. Perhaps a few of the other songs will be swapped about as well.
Where did you hear that Maiden is doing this for a double live CD/DVD? The double live CD/DVD is comming out on August 29th and it was from the Give Me Ed Tour! I haven't seen anywhere on www.ironmaiden.com that they are recording this tour for a cd/dvd release!
It's just as assumption, but it's known for a fact that the current tour is recorded: