[SPOILER] An Electric Gig in Switzerland
If you want a great review of the latest Iron Maiden gig in Switzerland (and know about the fun mishaps that happened through the set), please click here.You'll learn about what change Maiden brought to their stage !
Here's the description of the show by our fellow member, Cosmiceddie:
Well, as you may know last night Maiden turned up at Uster/Zurich in Switzerland.It was a small festival with four bands incl.Dream Theater.Anyway I don't want talk about that bands since I wasn't really into them.
Now Maiden.They boys entered the stage at about 10 to nine.Just to let you know, there were no changes in the setlist.I was standing about 50 meters right in the middle between the stage and the mixing desk and I realized that the sound was excellent from the beginning apart from some vocal problems at the very beginning of 'Murders in the Rue Morgue' which opened the show.Then later on at some point Steve's bass sounded a little rumbling and distorted but only for one or two songs, so no major problem.However, the big problem that night was the lightning desk.Mind that the light show was out of work until 'Wrathchild', thus there were no light for quite a few songs.Bruce announced that there were some problems with the electricity.Luckily it wasn't too dark by that time and the rest of the gig we could enjoy the full lightshow which looked great.
There was also some confusion on stage during 'Wrathchild' when somebody must have been played out of time because Dave all of a sudden got lost and looked rather confused to Steve and didn't play guitar for a few seconds.I've never witnessed so much confusion on a Maiden gig before which was funny in a way.
As for the musical highlights of the show I should point out to both 'Where Eagles Dare' and 'Phantom of the Opera'.During the former Bruce sounded most excellent and I was amazed by that vocal performance since the vocal lines are pretty high in that song(Bruce's voice live clearly sounds better these days than during the 'World Piece Tour '83 where he would regulary f**k up that song.)
In a word, he was just as good as on the album version!
'Phantom of the Opera' showed that marvellous Eddie backdrop that looked amazing together with the blue/violet lightning!
However, I guess the audience(there were lots of very young people there, many of them being female) liked best all the songs off the 'Beast' album.The reason may be the fact that many seemed to be unfamiliar with the old DiAnno era songs ...
As for Eddie, the 'floating' one during Iron Maiden looked wicked with the brain coming back into the skull.Then in 'Drifer' the walking Eddie appeared which was the 'Ed Hunter' one wearing kind of a strait-jacket, so I have no clue what happened to the new Eddie from the beginning of the tour.
Let me something say about the merchandising.Well, I think that prices must have come out of sanity these days... :eyes: I mean a shirt was £25 or $45 as well as two amazingly looking cloth flags('Eddie Rips up the World' and 'The Trooper'(oblong format) which were sold at the very same price.That's when I decided not to buy them.The only thing I got was the rolled tour poster that was quite cheap then.
To close this review I'd like to say that the show was really great(I'd rate it 8.5/10)and the band proved that they are still on fire.Thus we can look forward to some more great tours I guess.
In addition, there were still no girls on stage for 'The Number of the Beast' (they are announced for the Helsinki date however).
But, instead, Swiss got a great novelty with the inclusion of a massive ram representing the beast during the same song: it apparently showed up at Rock Am Ring but it was the first time that it was proeminently showed.
Like in Italy, the walking Eddie seem to be the one that was used during the Ed Huntour.
On a funny side, Bruce played with the Swiss crowd on several occasions: in the chorus of 'Running Free', he shouted 'Cuckoo, cuckoo' or 'Ricolaaa' ---refering to the famous swiss clocks and sweets--- instead of the 'running free' line
Update (June 18):
Metal-Maniacs.de have released some nice pictures of the show: see them here !
Thanks to limbaugh for the still out of the Rock Am Ring video
I thought you might have gone to that show, The Saint.
I should but couldn't. First time I miss a show. You can't believe how sad I am. Last chance to see some songs...

Bah, I'll watch the DVD

But, instead, Swiss got a great novelty with the inclusion of a massive ram representing the beast during the same song: it apparently showed up at Rock Am Ring but it was the first time that it was proeminently showed.
Like in Italy, the walking Eddie seem to be the one that was used during the Ed Huntour.
They dropped the girls after Graz show so probably they won't use them in Helsinki as well...
Big devil beast has been used since begining of the tour.

I think they have dropped new walking Eddie after Graz show as well... Dunno why...
Too bad you didn't see the show, Saint..

True. So sad you couldn't go.