[SPOILER] Maiden Rips Up Athens Review
Scroll down to read a review of Maiden's show in Athens, Terra Vibe, June 21st.Instead of making his "fuck off and die if you don't like Phantom" speech, Bruce started talking about how they're always asked about playing Alexander every single time they come to Greece. He said that to settle this, he'd like us to sing the chorus along with him and he went into the chorus. But he said they will return to Greece on another tour to play Alexander for us! He asked the audience what we thought of the movie and everybody booed. Before the begining of the encores, Bruce said: "...and I agree, it was a shit movie, running freeeee!". Then, after the end of the show he was making fun of nicko "the intestinal power factory" McBrain (thats what he called him) by mocking up the the line "...his name struck fear into hearts of men" while he was looking at nicko's bum.
In other news, the Big Eddie was the blowup, new eddie while the walking eddie was the ed hunter one. the devil figure from nob wasn't there. they also gave bruce dickinson promotion booklets outside the venue. A complaint is that the tourbook wasnt available and neither was the RIR biography.
The gig was fantastic, same setlist, great performance, a bit of muddied guitar sound. Janick was as highspirited and active as ever.
Maybe all the requests have paid off. Time will tell...
Why do they change Eddie and stuff at every consert?
I think it's a way of cutting down on tour expenses, but that's only my guess
Is it really finally going to happen?
We've only been waiting 19 freakin' years...
I don't know how to express how I feel about this except to say:

walking eddie is not ed hunter but its madman from POM
they will be playing Alexander because next "early days" touir will be Powerslave/Somewhere tour
i dont thin theyre cutting down on tour expenses but thez wanted to do every show something smecial
HEY, gor, are you greek? how much people was there?
Eddie Riped Athens last night and that's a fact!. It was the fourth time i've seen maiden live here in Greece. I can't tell if it was the best gig, but i can tell that we had a really fucking great time!!! In the venue were about 15.000 people or more!!! The setlist was the same with Austrian gig (Wrathchild instead of Charlotte). I really think i'm a blessed man seeing live the Phantom of the Opera!!!! Fucking great!! But the croud, i don't know, after the first hour got tired or something and it couldn't react like usual. Bruce said that they gonna come again on the next tour and i'm really happy about it. I really missed the powerslave, somewere in time and the other record songs but that's ok!! Oh i forgot to mention the greatness of the first young Eddie!! I really missed the devil chicks but nevermind!! Greece loves maiden and maiden loves Greece!!! UP THE IRONS!!!!
the next tour will be "Golden Years" - no?
The Walking Eddie is supposed to represent the POM eddie (after he had his steroid shots) and comes from the Ed-huntour. In order to be crystal clear it is called "Edhuntour Eddie"
yes, I am from Greece and was at the show. It was about 20.000 (my calculation) in a venue set up for 25.000. The gig was not sold out, mainly due to the facts that this was a weekday on an exam period, plus Sabbath are coming next Saturday (with black label society and Velvet revolver), plus 2 other dates with bands like Slayer, Dio, Twisted Sister and Accept will be coming up in july.
it think it will be: the not so early days.
Nope. As far as I know next years tour will be promoting a new album... I'd expect "Golden Years" tour maybe in 2007...
yes perhaps was more than 15.000 there. It doesn't matter anyway. The point is that we had a real good time!! The venue is great but there is a problem with parking. We needed 30 minutes or more to park and after that about 45 minutes walking till we arrive. After the gig was a total hell!! We needed one hour walking and about 30 minutes driving till the highway. But nothing spoiled our fun!! The Gig was great indead!!
So six days from now, when they comes to Oslo in Norway, it's nothing left. Only some lousy amps and a karaoke mic to bruce

hope not,

Iron Maiden ATHENS......
I bought the ticket 5 months ago....I coundn't wait ....
and finally we saw them again...!!!!!
this guys never get old never get tired...this is what they do...playing live is Iron Maiden way of performing their songs....!!!!
all about the concert where posted from the other guys....
THANK YOU IRON MAIDEN.....we can't wait for the next time!!!!!
PS.I can't tell you how much people watched the concert....becauce I was in the 2nd raw.....but when it ends....I look behind me the people that was coming out of the venue...It was unbelievable....MAIDEN IS THE MOST POPULAR METAL BAND IN GREECE FOR SURE!!!!!!!
Another GREAT show.
What can I say, they are Gods!
[i]Instead of making his "fuck off and die if you don't like Phantom" speech, Bruce started talking about how they're always asked about playing Alexander every single time they come to Greece. He said that to settle this, he'd like us to sing the chorus along with him and he went into the chorus. But he said they will return to Greece on another tour to play Alexander for us!

This is the best news for ages, I cannot belive it!

This is the best news for ages, I cannot belive it!

Don't rely to much on his words. Nicko said he wanted to play Alexander too, two years ago before the DoD tour.
The greatest gig I've ever been to by far.
The bass & drum sound was amazing and the 3 amigos gave a fantastic performance (especially Adrian, he did a dazzling solo in Sanctuary!).
To be honest I didn't think that Bruce's voice would be that great! The man is a GOD! Yes, he's aged since NOTB and POM but his voice hasn't lost any of its passion and brilliance.
It was one of those concerts you wish they'd never end.
Honestly, I didn't see that. The crowd was fantastic ALL the time.
Especially Phantom of the Opera and then Hallowed be thy Name were a BLOW UP!
I looked around and saw that everyone was jumping! Everyone!
of course, its the walking eddie from Ed Hunter Tour and he also appeared on BNW tour. when theyre not using inflant. Eddie its Ed from GME tour
I was there, first maiden gig I've been to and it was great. I was one of the first people to get a ticket since I have ticket No. 0009!!!!
A little correction to "gor",
Bruce said (about Alexander the great movie) " ...yes it was a shitty movie, it was the highlights that did it, the phantom of the opera..."
I actually recorded him saying it with my cell phone
He also said that they would certainly come one day and play it for Greece.
I have one or two pics that I can share with everyone but I don't know how to put them on the web...!
Could someone tell me how??????

A little correction to "gor",
Bruce said (about Alexander the great movie) " ...yes it was a shitty movie, it was the highlights that did it, the phantom of the opera..."
I actually recorded him saying it with my cell phone

He also said that they would certainly come one day and play it for Greece.
I have one or two pics that I can share with everyone but I don't know how to put them on the web...!
Could someone tell me how??????
You can email them to me, i'll upload them to my website and I'll tell the links you have to put. costasvroh@gmail.com
You can read my review of the Athens gig here (includes a few crappy pictures): Maiden in Athens. I also didn't notice anything about the crowd becoming tired, it was great until the very end (when we realised they weren't going to sing Fear of the Dark )
Excellent review, Poromenos. For once, someone shows wit and humour.
I enjoyed reading it!
Thanks I'm glad you liked it!
poromenos you are a little lunatic friend!!!
First of all, i enjoy reading your "review" to the show!! Look, we all knew that the setlist was about the first four albums and in my opinion was fantastic. But i know that if a kid was about to watch his first gig of the Iron Maiden, he sure wanted to listen all the songs he knew, like fear of the dark. But every maiden gig is different and you should wait for the next gig, so you can listen all of your favorite songs. So go and buy or download all of their albums, listen them and wait for a couple of years so the beast will rip Athens again!!!
Oh, you are right about the smelly men's sweat!! Sucks man!!!!
Well, I'm not that young, I'm 22 . They did say they'd only do the first 4 cds, and I hadn't done my homework on those
. But yeah, it was well worth the trip and the money. And damnit, next time you're at a concert, KEEP YOUR SHIRTS ON!

I second that!

damn shirtless morons should be banned from concerts