[SPOILER] New Nicko Diary, Exclusive Pictures
Nicko McBrain has written a new entry for the tour diary.Here's an extract of what he said about the Graz gig. Exclusive pictures, kindly of the Iron Maiden Austria fans were added below:
....In the afternoon before the show I had a wee stroll around the beautiful city centre of Graz. Most lovely place it is I can tell you.
I bumped into Jan sitting outside one of the many coffee café and joined him for a cup of Joe.
We chatted and then were met by a bunch of wonderful fans from the Austrian fan club. We chatted with them, took some smudges and signed a bunch of stuff for them. They were all really nice people. Well, after all our fans ARE ALL cool people. After we said our farewells Jan and I headed back to the hotel. On the way we met Steve, he was looking for somewhere to eat but as it was getting close to check out time we all decided to have a spot of nosebag at the venue.
As we got to the hotel all the guys and girls that Jan and I had seen were waiting outside the hotel. They pounced on Harry. So Jan and I said bye and went to get ready to leave. It was a 10-minute drive to the gig......
The full diary -about the football charity events and other happenings- can be read by scrolling below !

Source: IronMaiden.com, MaidenAustria.at
Here's the full diary:
01/06/2005Nicko's Diary
At home in London.
Time 10:45am.
Well, well, well, how are we all today then?
I’m doing very well thank you!
Well, boys and girls, 3rd gig under our belt and I think that we have settled on the running order of the set. As you will recall, I had said there maybe a change or two made to it. I won't tell you what it has been changed to as that may bugger it up for some of you OK! You will just have to wait and find out.
Well, before I carry on I have to tell you about a wee day out some of us had the other week.
There was a charity soccer six event held at the sacred West Ham United footy club. It was a most splendid affair. Our pal, Mark Abbery, has been doing these events for 11 years and he has it down pat. I arrived at 11:30 with my son, Nick. He had popped up to London on the weekend to see his old man. He had arrived on the Friday and we had a great time together. Oh yeah, on the Saturday we went to see ‘Revenge of the Sith’. Not a bad movie.
Anyway, after we arrived at the ground we made our way to the dressing room. I met with Harry ‘are you sure’ Harris, H ‘no it was 2 pounds, honest' Smith and a few of the Maiden soccer team.
Here is the team:
Mark Robson, Ralph Little, Tony ‘voodoo man’ Newton, Adrian ‘well, it could have been a pounder’ Smith, Steve ‘don’t listen to im’ Harris, Pete Mac, Martin Bell, Alex Lawler, Jeff Brazier, Johnny Spurling, Nicholas McBrain, and me good self.
Well, I’ll have to stop at moment as I have just received some news on my friend Manu!!!
I just got off the phone with Harry and he has told me that Manu passed away on Monday. I would like us all to take a moment of silent prayer for his mum, family, and all of his friends that he left behind.
Here’s to you my old friend. Your wonderful presence will be sorely missed, until we meet again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God bless you!! xoxo
Well, it is difficult to carry on with this diary as I’m in a wee bit of a pickle as you can imagine, but if you had the pleasure of meeting Manu and getting to know him just a little, you would know that he would have told me to ‘kin get on with it.
So Maiden won the match. 3-2 in the final YEAH!!!!!! I do believe there is a full report elsewhere on the web site so tune in and be amazed and proud of the boys success.
Opps! I just realized the time. I’m off for a game of golf. I think I need it.
Back later.
Well, had a great game but as you can imagine I had a lot on my mind. As I walked the course it was nice to reflect on my times with Manu. I first met him in 1980. When I joined ‘Trust’ he was looking after Bernie the singer. There were a lot of very fond memories for me to reflect on.
I actually played one of my best rounds.
So, I’m going to dinner this evening with me old pal Patrick Hegan. It was his birthday last week so I’m treating him.
Well, to the gig!
On Tuesday evening we played at the Stadthalle Graz to about 5000 billies. It was a great gig. We played very well, nice and tight. The set running order works great know. I doubt whether we shall change it again but you never know. We hit the stage at 9:15.
The crowd although not too big were very load.
I had a great time on stage again and I’m feeling a lot more confident with the set. I still managed to miss the intro to Prowler but I’m sure by the end of the tour I’ll get it. TEEHEE!!!!
After the show we did a runner back to the airport for an 11:30 departure. We had a nice flight home and I was sitting in my living room by 1:30am. Had a cup of rosey and then went to me bed.
In the afternoon before the show I had a wee stroll around the beautiful city centre of Graz. Most lovely place it is I can tell you.
I bumped into Jan sitting outside one of the many coffee café and joined him for a cup of Joe.
We chatted and then were met by a bunch of wonderful fans from the Austrian fan club. We chatted with them, took some smudges and signed a bunch of stuff for them. They were all really nice people. Well, after all our fans ARE ALL cool people. After we said our farewells Jan and I headed back to the hotel. On the way we met Steve, he was looking for somewhere to eat but as it was getting close to check out time we all decided to have a spot of nosebag at the venue.
As we got to the hotel all the guys and girls that Jan and I had seen were waiting outside the hotel. They pounced on Harry. So Jan and I said bye and went to get ready to leave. It was a 10-minute drive to the gig. When I arrived I had a spot of grub and a chat with Rod about a charity that I’m involved with.
It is a very close thing to my heart. I have to go over details with Rod but I may be selling a wrist band with my message of hope on it. The proceeds will go equally to Great Ormand street Hospital for Children and for Latrines and clean water. My dear friend Charlotte Da Vita is the organizer and she has many events planned. She is a most amazing woman. I’ll let you all know when and where later.
Well, It’s Friday morning and I’m just finishing off here. Last night was great, Pat and I went to...
Of course we did where else would I take him!!!!!!
Yeah no prizes for guessing that then.
We had a great meal, and how about this then.
Not only do you get a fantastic meal and great service, you also get people proposing to one another. Yes that’s right PROPOSING. At the table next to us there was a young, very much in love, couple having a nice meal when suddenly my friend Costas turned to Pat and I and told us their news. They had just agreed to tie the knot.
What a great way to end a very, very hard day.
Must be something in the chips!!!!!!!!!!
Stay safe and well.
God Bless you all.
one lucky dudes, you guys are !!! envy you
haha, you really know what humor Nicko has
how can be anyone su lucky in meeting them always...

no not always - it's just easier to meet them at a small venue gig than for example Rock in Rio...

but how do you guys know where they go drink something ?! and other times, do you just sneek into backstage ?
You lucky people
Almost makes me wish that I live in Austria.
how big is the venue in Austria??nice that you got to meet them..lucky Austrians
We have a Maidenfan in Graz who went drinking with them the night before the gig (that WestHam-Event, Nicko's talking about) at a pub!
He told us where to go, beacuse he followed them during the afternoon!
There is space for 10.000 but it wasn't sold out..

I think the ticketprice was a bit high...
@7th son:
Well, next time move over here

Give me a few years mate