[SPOILER] New Tour Setlist, Stage and Props
With many thanks to POLISH_EDDIE, Sultoon and Maniac618, Maidenfans.com can now post the setlist of the first show of the Eddie Rips Up the World tour tonight in Prague!Additionaly, some details about Eddie and Bruce have been revealed. A review has been added too.
Since some people want the surprise when they see the band themselves it won't be posted on this page, but head here and scroll down if you're interested.
Here's the setlist of tonight's show in Prague. Iron Maiden nowadays usually keeps the same set for the entire tour. Only the Ozzfest dates might have a slightly shortened setlist:
1. Murders in the Rue Morgue
2. Another Life
3. Prowler
4. The Trooper
5. Remember Tomorrow
6. Run to the Hills
7. Charlotte the Harlot
8. Revelations
9. Where Eagles Dare
10. Die With Your Boots On
11. Phantom of the Opera
12. The Number of the Beast
13. Hallowed Be Thy Name
14. Iron Maiden
15. Running Free
16. Drifter
17. Sanctuary
'The Ides of March' is the taped introduction played before the part of 'Murders in the Rue Morgue' starts.
The stage is also a look back to the past. It is obviously related to the first DVD of the History series Maiden is pulling out, hence to the first four albums. A backdrop of 'Eddie Rips You Up' was intensively seen among others.
Pyros were used on 5 songs. Fire was used during 'The Number of the Beast' and, as rumored, girls looking like devils were running on stage on that same song.
Eddie appears behind the set in his 'Iron Maiden' tenure. Then later in the show, a traditional walking giant Eddie makes an apparition.
Finally, Bruce dresses up as a trooper during 'The Trooper' !
Show runs for 1 hour and 45 minutes.
The Goteborg Posten has made a review of the show and gives it 4/5: head here for those speaking Swedish.
Thanks to IMBB member Marshall, here's a translation:
Before this tour, singer Bruce Dickinson promised that Iron Maiden would dig up old material from their early years, that never, or rarely has been played durign Maiden's last couple of tours.
That promise is fulfilled brilliantly.
For example, Phantom of the Opera is played for the first time in several years.
Maiden cruises between their early works and let the stage design link the different periods with big backdrops and album covers. It's clean, straight and simple. Nothing is over the top, the technical effects are held back and the power of the music gets to dominate.
It's a psyched, almost too psyched Maiden that is back on stage again. They start off hard and initially fight a can-ish sound. But the band's technique and rhythm soon finds itself and and when the Trooper sounds, with Dickinson waving the Union Jack high up on the podium, the band gets a response that gets the whole brimming, overfilled arena to absolutely nuts.
It's interesting to see how respectfully, almost affectionately Maiden treats their audience. Without really sucking up, this is showmanship and playing to the gallery on a high level.
The crowd gets the songs they've been wanting to hear for years and the bandmembers work frenetically during the gig. They seem to be more anxious about giving a good concert where you remember the songs, rather then where you remember the technical effects. A choice which honours them.
But of course the show's there. They give all the signs ands signals they've been connected with. Steve Harris fires his machinegun bass, they rock out with drummer Mcbrain, Janick Gers juggles his guitar, and a Dickinson that never seems to tire communicates on the front row with his waving and screaming fans.
Of course Eddie, the giant mascot comes in at the end, dressed in a leather jacket.
Among the highlights are songs like Run to the Hills, Running Free, Die With Your Boots On, Quest For Fire [sic] and of course the Number of the Beast. The latter with a rather silly feature where a bunch of local girls dressed in horns, tails and pitchforks dance in and start chasing the old guys. Unchoreographical and probably not very rehearsed.
The concert, barely two hours has the feel of a premiere with insecurity, technical problems and a few too long breaks. But the intensity, power and the musical dedication is there, so Maiden's new tour can't be anythin but a new triumphal procession through Europe.
Another review:
Hey Maiden fans,
Maiden's new European tour, "Eddie Rips up Europe", started in Prague last night. JohnnieCzech, you missed a great show!! You all probably know it's their 25th anniversary tour, and they are concentrating on songs from their first four records. Setlist (not exactly in order):
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Another Life (!)
Remember Tomorrow (!)--awesome
The Trooper--Bruce messed up a verse, but who cares, we all fuckin' know it
Where Eagles Dare (!)
Run to the Hills
Phantom of the Opera--awesome, of course ("we haven't played this one in many years")
Number of the Beast
Charlotte the Harlot (!)
Die with your Boots on
Hallowed be Thy Name
Iron Maiden
Runnin' Free
The Drifter
It seemed like a short set, but that's a pretty fucking good setlist (very reminiscent of Live after Death with a few extras--no Killers, but I saw them play that in 1999). They were in top form. The stars for me were Davey and Nicko. Davey soloed the most, and Jan played several of Adrian's solos, strangely. Davey's solos seemed really fresh and spontaneous. And Nicko sounded awesome. He added a lot to the old Clive Burr songs. Bruce has still got it, but can't do the high note at the end of Run to the Hills. I like his stage banter. Great show, nostalgic (it's been 20 fucking years for me). Up the Irons, Rivetheads!!
Anthrax BB
Is there some sort of intro before the first song?
how long was the show ? maybe 1:30 ? that isnt much ...
Wow, they really followed what they said: only first four albums.
No 'Children of the Damned' is my only dissapointment (ok, maybe with 'Still Life')... (I expected 'Flight of Icarus' but others make up for this).
'Remember Tomorrow', 'Phantom of the Opera'... My God !
Heard that 'Wrathchild' and 'Ides of March' were on PA before the show, but I don't know if these were the intro or just songs to make people wait.
2. Another Life
3. Prowler
4. The Trooper
5. Remember Tomorrow
6. Run to the Hills
7. Charlotte the Harlot
8. Revelations
9. Where Eagles Dare
10. Die With Your Boots On
11. Phantom of the Opera
12. The Number of the Beast
13. Hallowed Be Thy Name
14. Iron Maiden
15. Running Free
16. Drifter
17. Sanctuary
Yes mav, Idus of March ive heard.
Amazing setlist..but i miss Flight and Children..
9.99 points !!!!!!!

85 minutes, but that's still a rumor at this stage. I'm waiting to have multiple people crediting this info.
Seems Ozzfest won't miss anything, since they could play the same set !
What about eddie? and stage?
85 minutes !? I expected much more !
It is an great setlist, but i was really looking forward to hear flight of icarus
What about eddie? and stage?
does anybody know?
Did they have the beast on tour stage set?
The Number of the Beast/Run to the Hills promo videos stage set....
What the hell happened to Prodigal Son? I thought Nicko said that they were gonna play Prodigal Son! What happened?
GREAT setlist.. why dont they play ides of march:(.. they havent played Run that early in the set since like 83 I think.
Wasn't that only a intro from tape or something?
Stage set: a bit like GMETID based on Early Days. Booklet cool. Pyro on 4-5 songs. Bruce dressed as Trooper during the song. Backdrops mainly including Early Days, Eddie Rips You Up, TNOTB fire, girls dressed as devils running on stage. MAD! Big Eddie from Iron Maiden album, walking classic Eddie like on Wicker Man Video. 1hrs 45min.
got this from a friend
Nice setlist, but I miss Killers, To Tame a Land, Children of the Damed or The Prisoner but mainlyPurgatory and Flight of Icarus.
Many reports I've receiving mention that Janick was at the back on the stage for at least the first five songs before really starting to be "into it".
There are mention that Adrian and Dave share most of the solos.
Thats not nice of them, Janick is a great guitar player him too
I'd have changed it a bit to make it the perfect setlist for myself, i'd have had flight, children, wrathchild and perhaps a few others.
He plays an 'Hallowed' solo... but other soli ? We will learn as reviews start to flock in.
Maybe Steve didn't want to adapt Maiden's early songs for three guitars...
I wanted to hear flight of icarus,wrathchild,children of the damed,quest of fire,prisoner,gangland,strange world. but much can happen i the 30 days 'till i'm going to concert. hope to get a longer one, not only 85 minutes..looking forward too hear running free.

It seems the shows is for 1 hour and 45 minutes. Traditional length.
This set list is not too bad indeed!Anyhow we get:
Murders in the Rue Morgue
The Trooper
Where Eagles Dare
Phantom of the Opera
Hallowed be thy Name
Running Free
Nevertheless where are 'Children of the Damned' and 'The Prisoner'???The band once again plays only the 'standard' songs off 'The Number of the Beast' and I do fail to see why???
On the other hand, let's be honest, who needs 'Another Life', 'Charlotte the Harlot' or 'Sanctuary'...
got this from a friend

well, you already confirmed it yourself, that the show would last 1hrs 45min and not only 85 min....

Me !
this setlist is absolutely perfect, only I've got the fire is missing IMO
my only complainment is that they didn't play To tame a land. I really like this set-list.
And people don't forget this show lasted only 85 minutes. Normal shows will take two hours, so I'm pretty sure that more songs will be added.
at Graspop they play from 22.15-0.15 so 2h, but hope they'll bring FOTD, first time I'll see Maiden live, so won't want to miss that song..
songs 8-14 = PERFECT !!, rest is also spectacular ofcourse...
Wow thats a cracking setlist. I wanna see this tour!!!
Aren't you going to?

songs 8-14 = PERFECT !!, rest is also spectacular ofcourse...
They only play songs from the 4 first albums so if you want FOTD, you have to wait for 2006 and the tour for their next album!
well i cant see this tour cause im stuck in australia where maiden NEVER tours...and this setlist and news is making me extremely jealous
Well, pretty nice set list. Indeed, it surprised me, but in a positive way !
Only that, Wrathchild is missing... they could have replaced it with "Die With Your Boots On". It's a big dissapointment. But with songs like "Where Eagles Dare"/"Phantom of the Opera"/"Revelations"/"Charlotte the Harlot" etc... it's already heavy! (hey, why didn't they put 22 AA after CtH ? It would have been a great idea !)
Anyway, it looks like a huge show, and I can't wait til it's the 25th of June, in order to watch their greatness!
Added a review and a picture (even if I'm not sure it's from yesterday's show, it was the picture shown in the article).
The journalist made a clear mistake talking about 'Quest for Fire'
nope - sadly not, I expected "Doctor, Doctor" but nothing unusual happend just before the light went out!

I remembered Wrathchild, but not played by Maiden, might have been any tribute band...
What about 'The Ides Of March' mentioned by The Saint?

Come to Reading (Yes I know its pretty crap other than maiden) with me and MAIDENARGENTINA if you want

Many sources mentionned it. Now, it could be a tape played only at the Prague show by the promoters: the show was late (30 minutes) and they had to make the people wait.
We'll see by the next shows.
What is certain is that 'Murders...' starts with a drum-only part. That could be the intro.
Back in the early days, Maiden didn't have big intros played before shows, that could explain the lack of it.
Well, they used to have 'Ides' played on the PA.
And what do you mean "starts with a drum-only part"? Do they go straight into the snare roll and start without the crescendo intro?
And what do you mean "starts with a drum-only part"? Do they go straight into the snare roll and start without the crescendo intro?

I wasn't there, I cannot exactly tell you

But many people said that it was drum-only part that started the song. I guess we'll have more details in the next few days

great set but its missing a few classics (Killers, Still Life, Fligth of Icarus, Children of the Damned, The Prisoner, 22 Acacia Avenue)
I'd love to see that one live.
Same, great song. The Prisoner would be great too.

just backphoned my dude n' he says:
Playe "Ides of march" from tape and started without slow part from "Murders..."
And I think that's the correct "version" of the beginning!
But we'll see in some week - the gig should have been taped!
This setlist is absolutely excellent...Very good.!! thx!
I'd love to see 22 Acacia Avenue, Killlers, Flight Of Icarus, Still Life and Purgatory
it would be absolutely perfect if they had "Wrathchild", "Killers", "Innocent Exile", "Children of The Damned", and "Invaders". It's still an amazing setlist. I can't wait for "Phantom..." and "Murders...". But they're going to have a shortened set since I'm seeing them at the July 30th Ozzfest date in Chicago.
Up the Irons!
I would have chosen a different setlist ('Flight of Icarus', 'Children of the damned' or 'The prisoner' are better selections than some of the DiAnno stuff that has been included), but it's nice to see the show runs for 105 minutes.
we need all the songs! not "who needs Charlotte..." go to hell!!
i was so pissed hearing polish people screaming FEAR OF THE DARK, FEAR OF THE DARK... but this will be major problem on the tour. not too much iam tired of these classic songs and i want to her something different. we heard FOTH many times and this was good chance to hear songs like Charlotte...
by the way, ive got prague show recorded on digital camera perfectly close...
oh yeah, theyre going to play shorter sets in US? its good, anyway you see Bruces solo show before maidens so you can be pretty happy. i was watching the band after all the others in poland and wondering how can poor Black Sabbath play after them, its weird
In case it hasn't been mentioned, Charlotte was replaced by Wrathchild at the gig in Graz. Whether it is permanent or not remains to be seen.
Holy sh*t!
I came home a minute ago from that gig!
I'm 'kin tired and I wanted to post that breaking news...
damned - nobody is faster than the Saint....
Anyway, it was an AWESOME SHOW!!!!!
I took a load of pics - beside the fact the whole Maiden Austria United - gang has met the boys (except Bruce) in Graz!
More will follow - need some sleep!
I came home a minute ago from that gig!
I'm 'kin tired and I wanted to post that breaking news...
damned - nobody is faster than the Saint....

Anyway, it was an AWESOME SHOW!!!!!
I took a load of pics - beside the fact the whole Maiden Austria United - gang has met the boys (except Bruce) in Graz!
More will follow - need some sleep!
We don't have pics and reviews from the Graz show up yet. Feel free to post !!!
I'm receving some stuff, but I'm sure you'll have a good story, especially since you met the boys !!
Bruce did fly home early from what I've heard.
We talked with the tour manager and he told us they have a strict tour plan and they'll leave pretty fast after the show - if together or seperately I can't say....
I'll submit a Live-Review with Photos a.s.a.p.
Yeah! Me too! Put in Strange World and it would be perfect.
I´ve heard for a billion times WTC, RTH, NOTB... and we all have live registers of that.

And what do you mean "starts with a drum-only part"? Do they go straight into the snare roll and start without the crescendo intro?
Yes they did that !!
VIDEO Mystic Festival 2005
Does anyone know for how many shows they had the old "Iron Maiden Eddie" as backdrop? Because the shows I went to (Oslo, Helsinki and Gothenburg) and what I've heard some shows before that they used the Eddie from Give me Ed...-tour, dressed in a straight jacket.
Same setlist was used at Leeds & Reading, according to reports.