[SPOILER] Wow What an Audience Says Nicko
Here the new Nicko diary concerning the last dates on the European. Read it only if you want to know !19/07/2005 Nicko's Diary
In hotel room Atlantic City, USA.
Time: 12:30pm.
Well, well, well,
What’s up boys and girls?
I’m doing OK thank you.
Well our European tour has, alas, come to a temporary end. We are scheduled to do four more shows though. Three in blighty and one in Ireland.
These are the Leeds and Reading festivals, one gig in Dublin and the final show of the ‘Rip it’ up tour, a fundraiser for our dear Clive Burr.
That will be on the 2nd of September (me misses birthday) at the Hammersmith Apollo. Should be a blast to play that place again. I’m looking forward to that.
Well, down to the last of our European shows.
We were in Helsinki on the Wednesday 6th July. We flew out from Stansted at noon and went straight to the hotel. We were at the venue for 7:30 and I did me usual checking of me tubs and went and had an ear’ole of Mastodon. Good bunch of guys.
We hit the stage at 9:15pm and WOW what an audience. Absolutely nuts I can tell you. At one stage of the evening they just sang to us and screamed for what seemed to be an eternity, it did bring a tear to me peepers I can tell you.
Well, the gig went great. The boys were definitely on fire and we all had a blast on stage. After the show we all said that we really enjoyed the reaction. We headed back to the hotel and had a wee nightcap.
The next day I awoke to the deverstating news from London. Some fanatic had decided to end his miserable life by blowing himself up and taking out innocent people around him. I just don’t get it.
My prayers and condolences too the families that have suffered from this terrible event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This night was show number two for us in Helsinki.
It was just as crazy as the previous night. The crowd were just as enthusiastic towards us. We all played really well.
After the gig we flew to Gothenburg, Sweden.
Great time was had Helsinki.
When we arrived we hit the downstairs bar at the hotel. I had a few nightcaps with the boys and then went to me bed. I had arranged to meet me pal Sula for a round of golf. We met up at 10am and headed out to the Hills GC. It was a very nice course.
We had a spot of lunch and then hit the links. The pro joined us and we had a friend of his make up the foursome. They played 7 holes with us and then had to leave. It was going great up until they left. Normal time to play the holes but after that the round took so long. Sula and I decided to call it quits after the t 12th tee shot. It had taken us over ninety minutes to play 4 holes. We went back to the clubhouse for a beer.
It was great seeing Sula again. He’s my friend from the Ullna GC in Stockholm. We met 4 years ago. He played very well and took al the marbles for the day. I’ll get ‘im.
In the evening we went for a nice meal with our record label. Also there that evening were, Thomas Johansson and Thor our Scandinavian promoters. Mickey Dee joined us later as well. It was great to see him again. We had a great time together. Great evening and great company.
After dinner I felt really tired so I had a reasonably early night. On my return to the hotel I went to the downstairs bar for a nightcap. I met with Kevin Shirley and had a chat and then off to me bed.
Well, today’s the day of our show in Gothenburg.
The buzz in the city is wild. Sula and I head out for lunch at around 1pm and man there are so many fans everywhere. Great vibe.
Sula and I have a great lunch and then we head back to the hotel. I have a wee siesta and am up and ready to leave the hotel 7:30pm.
We make our way to the venue and get ready for our show. It’s being beamed out live on SW2 one of the Swedish networks. Estimated that 20.000.000 people will see our show. Also it was going out on live radio.
No pressure there then!!!!
We hit the stage at 9:15pm and man did we have a ‘Kin great show. We played so well and had the best time up there I can tell you. It seemed that the show flew by really quick. We were at the end of the show and this leg of the tour. What a great time I have had on this one.
Everywhere has been very special to me. But I would have to say that this was the icing on the cake me old chinas. A most fitting end to a most wonderful tour.
Well, I’m off home to Florida on Sunday to be with my family for a couple of days before I have to leave them and go on my adventures in North America. We kick off our tour with OzzFest on Thursday in Boston.
That’s another story!
THANK YOU to everyone that has seen us along the way.
May you all be blessed by our good Lord and have a wonderful life.
My love to all.
Stay safe and well.
Nicko rulez!
QUOTE(SandMaN @ Jul 28 2005, 09:02 AM)
Nicko rulez!
He sure does.
whats a nightcap?
QUOTE(Brage the Beast @ Jul 28 2005, 09:18 PM)
whats a nightcap?
It's a cap you put on before you go to bed.

True, originally it was a cap worn as part of sleep attire. But the common meaning is a drink you have before going to bed.
And Fussmaker.