The New Maiden DVD Is Almost Ready!
Kevin Shirley says this on his latest diary (Wednesday February 9th):"Finished mixing the Maiden DVD yesterday - stereo and surround all done and mastering today!"
As Maidenfans suspected for months, Kevin Shirley was in studio in London just to work on some Maiden material. It would seem that the new DVD centers around material from a recent gig, as stated by Kevin himself, leading to the conclusion that the long-rumored 'Dance of Death' Tour DVD is indeed in its final stage before release.
Read more in our previous report.
Source: Caveman Diary
is this one part of the early days series ?! weren't they gonna release the dvd's per period... without jumping from the beginning to "the end" ?!
This could be the one thats pieced together from every show on the tour with audio dubbed over the top?
I assume they could release a concert DVD from the Dance Of Death tour without messing with the "History" series release order. And just because it's "ready" doesn't mean it's being released soon (as we saw with Dance Of Death).
Haha, nice one Saint, i liked the 'as maidenfans suspected for months'. Its like something youd see in a tabloid about celebrities dating or something
Good news though.
I thought he was also working on some «old» material which he had lots of problem with the vocal. This could be the «Iron Maiden History Part II : The not so early, yet not so late days».
That's a good news, " Saint Maiden-News "
I hope it will be released soon. Btw, are you sure that it's the "DoD Tour" DVD ?

I hope it will be released soon. Btw, are you sure that it's the "DoD Tour" DVD ?
i think its DOD tour DVD.
after "Eddie Rips..." tour there will be new album and tour.
after that there will be 2nd part of History DVD and another "retro" tour
new album, new tour
3rd part of History DVD, tour
and so on
they tried this model of releasing/touring with "Give me Ed" and DOD tour for the first time
Depends on what you call soon, it will prabably be released this year. If not why bother to tell the fans at all, given them false hope for new Maiden stuff.
It seems a little soon to prepare the end of the DVD series. Plus why use Kevin only on this part of the series and not the earlier ones ?
Anyway, the DOD DVD has been rumored for a long time and it's clearly a possibility that it will be released outside of the history series. It makes a lot of sense for the label execs for all the Maiden DVDs have been successes and they want to max out the cash.
Kevin is back to NY on March 1st, meaning that his work with Maiden is over for the moment (mix, mastering).
Now, it all depends if the management wants to release it fast or wait a little. I guess one DVD a year is the routine they want to create, so I wouldn't be surprised if that DOD DVD or the History Part 2 were released at the end of the year.
Yea it depends what soon means.
Gn'r soon = still waiting about 13 yrs
Black label society soon which = within a yr of the last release!

Another update on the caveman diary :
Off to Ronnie Scott's tonight, to catch some jazz and then it's filmed interviews tomorrow - for a Heavy Metal documentary (what the hell could I know about that!?) and also for a Maiden DVD
source :
Off to Ronnie Scott's tonight, to catch some jazz and then it's filmed interviews tomorrow - for a Heavy Metal documentary (what the hell could I know about that!?) and also for a Maiden DVD
source :
We reported that at the same time.

Are you updating on a regular basis ? It's a cool website.