Time for Christmas Cards Again
"You folks know the drill by now...The last few years we've thrown the design of the official Iron Maiden xmas card open to you guys. This is the card that gets sent to FC members, to friends of the band... and to the last minute people we realise we've forgotten. Each year, the standard has been amazingly high and we've had a real challenge agreeing on a winner.
So, we'd like you guys to do it again. Send us your designs - conforming to the specs below - and the winner will be picked by Rod, be printed and sent to loads of people. The winner will get a credit on the card and a big bag of groovy Iron Maiden stuff.
Your design needs to be A5 size (about 21 by 15 cm) - it's up to you which way round it goes (portrait or landscape). The picture is entirely up to you.
Now here's the important stuff - as the design will be printed, you need to make sure you have a high-resolution image that you can send us if we choose your card. If you're hand painting or drawing, no problem, but if you're creating your design from scratch in Photoshop or whatever, please make sure you do it at 600dpi and not at the lower resolution you'd use for things that are going to be displayed only on a monitor. Keep the original in a very safe place, and send us a copy.
Please send in your submissions as lower-resolution JPEG or GIF images - we don't need you to send the huge hi-res file until we choose the winner.
Please make sure that you name your file with your own name - eg. jimsmith.jpg - cos otherwise we get 200 files called 'maiden.jpg'!
Email you entries to us here and please make sure you include your contact details.
Closing date for entries is 30th September. Good luck!"
Source: Iron Maiden.com
I'm not gonna bother, but I hope Tap_Legion will!
Good luck, Tap!
Go Tap! You're the man!
Tap, i don't know you but...
(i might enter too!!!)
Btw, has anyone on maidenfans ever got their card printed???
Here's my entry. I think it'll win. There's no point in anyone else trying; sorry.
Very personnal and interesting work. Well done IronDuke.
I hope they have a psychoanalyst at Sanctuary.
Duke, what can I say? This is some brilliant work. You have my vote.
I was gonna enter, but now I'll just cry myself to sleep.... congratulations Duke!
Go for it Tap! although duke will probably be the winner this year
Maybe they're smarten up this time and pick one with actual talent put behind it.
I hope Tap can produce another kickass card like the one from last year.
duke I laughed so much with that card I hope it wins... realy
xcuse my ignorance.... but which is taps card? the one of bill gates?
Is it nearly Christmas already?
yeah soon it`s christmas again.... they`re going to release another old single ..... maybe Flight of Icarus
so it`s going to be christmas for every Maiden Fan
This is Tap's year, surely!! His art is fantastic. Its real art too. Not the computer made crud they chose last year.
Click here to see it.
Way to put the pressure on guys........
Don't think of it as presure, think of it as confidence in your talents

you are goooood.. you are gonna win

If Dukes work is any indication of the competition ahead, I would suggest that Tap start on his card right away. Id quit your day job and focus on this. IronDuke, and many others like him, have serious talent and are definately going to make it rough on past artists like Tap, Derek Riggs and the others.
Good luck
Well , I got 3 X-Mas ideas and only 2 weeks to do them in....AND I'm still trying to get the Clive Eddies done................I need a vacation !