Tribuzy Talks about Executing Bruce has landed another exclusive interview, this time with Renato Tribuzy, the author of a highly anticipated album called 'Execution':And now, it comes the guy everybody wants to know about... How the hell did I managed to get Bruce Dickinson to sing with me? Well, it was difficult! I looked for Bruce during the entire Brave New World tour in 2000 without any success. I contacted everybody I could at Sanctuary and nobody could help me to find him. I finally was able to find him at the Dance of Death tour in 2004. So, as you can see it took me 4 years to finally talk to the guy! (laughter). And that's why it took so long for me to release the album. Everything was ready way before that. How did I manage to finally contact him? Well, I had to beg the common friend we had. So I begged Chris and Roy to let Bruce know I was looking for him. That's when Bruce told Chris that he wanted to listen to a demo first. So I went to the studio and recorded the most perfect demo tape you can ever imagine. I sent it to Chris and he showed it to Bruce during his last solo tour (the Best of tour in 2002). Bruce listened to it and agreed to participate at the same time. Only after that I started to really contact him. And then we started dealing with the schedule issue. That's how we ended up meeting in 2004 in Rio at the Dance of Death tour.

Did you write the songs before you invited each guests?
The song that Bruce sings was meant to him. I wrote it for him. No one else could have sung that song.
Read the whole interview at
The album will hit the shelves on June 22 in Asia and South America and in mid-July in Europe and North America under Arise Records/Art Records Brazil.