What Bruce Thinks of His Past Albums
Bruce Dickinson celebrated the release of his new album, entitled 'Tyranny of Souls' by re-releasing his entire back catalogue with added bonus tracks and extra material.Of interest, here is what Bruce says about each of his past albums on the inlay booklets:
Tattooed Millionaire: I ask Bruce for his best and worst memories of this particular time in his life. "The best would be larking around in the studio, making the record", he responds. "We had air pistols and we'd shoot at the mic. I bet there are still pellets embedded in that studio roof. Without question, the worst thing was filming the concert DVD, Dive Dive Live. The audience weren't allowed to drink, and the people behind it simply didn't get what we were trying to do. Afterwards, I was so disgusted that I took the 2 inch master tapes and threw them in a river!"
"Over the years, my opinion of Tattooed Millionaire has gone up and down", Bruce concludes. "It really was only meant as a bit of fun but I still think it's a cracking record. Production-wise, it sound fabulous. And I stand behind the idea of the title track. People who are famous simply for being famous - I despise that."
Balls To Picasso: "All I'd change now about the album is its title", comments Bruce in 2005. "Balls To Picasso was some graffiti I saw on a lavatory wall, but the original title was Laughing In The Hiding Bush, after the track of the same name. That's far better. The only other thing I might do differently now is to let Roy Z produce it."
And what would be Bruce's favourite recollection of that same era? He responds immediatly. "Recording the album in London with The Tribe Of Gypsies. The relationship that we fell into was so, so pleasurable. Writing it and rehearsing it was such a great experience. We were all incredibly fired by what we were doing."
Alive In Studio A: "It was supposed to be fairly low-key, packaged like a bootleg", responds Bruce in 2005. "Of course, the record company had completely the opposite idea. They wanted people to think it was my next step forward artistically. I was very naive in that sence. But I was already thinking of putting together a real band - as opposed to being out there on my own - and it definatelly helped me to achieve that next step."
Skunkworks: "A bit like its cover artwork, I was hoping the album would appeal to two symmetrical audiences - those that listened to Soundgarden, who I still regard as nothing less than a metal band, and the more traditional crowd", sums up Bruce in 2005. "It all got a bit too tribal. I was trying to join the two sides together."
Dickinson's fondest recollection of the Skunkworks era is piloting the group in a plane above Detroit on the US leg of their tour, and all aboard bursting into a spontaneous version of the Kiss classic 'Detroit Rock City'.
"Airtraffic control said, 'You guys are having some kind of party up there', he sniggers. "When we landed at JFK in New York at four in the morning, somebody had saved me a couple of bottles of Fullers ESB [bitter]. We sat outside the terminal as the sun came up, watching Concorde arrive. It doesn't get much better than that."
And what would be Bruce's most painful memory of that period? "The band splitting up", he fires right back. "The dissapointment and frustration that we all felt. But I learned so much through Skunkworks. It made me a better singer because I had to broaden out my range. Lyrically and stylistically, it stretched me. And at least people seem to be discovering it retrospectively."
Accident Of Birth: I'll never forget the late night phone call from Roy Z, that got me moving again", reminisces Bruce now. "I'd be pacing around in my living room, with no idea what to do next. He played me the opening riff to Accident Of Birth, and before too long I'd come up with the words and a tune. I was on a plane tosee him in Los Angeles the very next day. We wrote half the album in five days. I invited Adrian Smith to come along and see if there was anything he liked and might want to play on. He did the whole album, and the tour!"
The Chemical Wedding: "I would be lying if I didn't own up to some regret in abandoning what what I was doing [on my own]", he says of his decision to return to the band. "That's only natural when I'd gone through so much. At that point I was finally starting to go somewhere with my solo records. The reviews were great, and at last there was a real buzz. I knew Maiden are so huge and time-consuming, to go back to them would be the end to all that. But I still have the freedom and space to do all of that again in the future."
Scream For Me Brazil: "Scream For Me is a document of a really great band doing really great stuff", Dickinson enthuses. "The performances are definitive. If you want to hear what Brucie is all about live, this is the album to go away and play."
To learn more about these reissue, click here. You can also take a look at the revamped artwork covers by following this link.
Maidenfans.com would also like to remind US Bruce fans that these reissues were delayed in North America and that they would see hit the shelves on June 21.
Thanks for that Gor
Well! I though that Tattooed Millionaire sucked indeed, with one good song, the title track. Balls To Picasso is my least favorite of anything he's done: Cyclops gave me a headache! Skunkworks I haven't heard, never will! Accident Of Birth was good but sounded too generic, nothing new. The Chemical Wedding to me was extremely overrated, weak tunes and Bruce tried too hard on some of the songs. Tyranny Of Souls is a new, fresh start, really a great record. Kill Devil Hill!
(I just hope 7 isn't going to criticise me!)
I haven't read Tatooed Millionaire. Balls to Picasso was so so, but it did have two songs that I really like: Cyclops and Tears of the Dragon. I haven't heard Skunkworks. Accident of Birth was Bruce's first really good album. The Chemical Wedding was his first great album. Tyranny of Souls doesn't live up to The Chemical Wedding, but is on about the same level as Accident of Birth.

(I just hope 7 isn't going to criticise me!)
I love to see such an open minded attitude to music you haven't even heard...

Skunkworks I haven't heard, never will!
In my humble opinion, your Skunkworks comment shows how open-minded you are.
Well, I must say, you're right...
I think, skunkworks wasn't as bad as many People think...
Maybe, only maybe, there is a certain lack of musical tolerance in the minds of many metal-fans. At least that's what my girlfriend continually blames ME for...

I saw most of Bruce's albums in HMV last week with one of my friends. There were re mastered and had Alive in Studio A and Scream for me Brazil together.