Bruce takes controls of Vulcan Bomber
Bruce Dickinson is the special guest of the Vulcan Restoration Trust on Saturday 12th August when he can swap his normal Boeing 757 for a Vulcan Bomber. The Vulcan has been at Southend Airport since 1986 and this year the 20th Anniversary of her arrival is being celebrated.The Vulcan does not fly but is still in fully live taxiable condition which means that she will accelerate on full deafening power to over 100mph down Southend's runway. The Vulcan is one of Bruce's favourite aircraft and the Vulcan Restoration Trust is delighted to be able to give him the opportunity to take her for a spin!
Gates open 10 am. Cockpit visits all day and many other attractions.
Admission £4 and £2 concessions.
1 Comment
that's gonna be crazy and fun. Go Bruce!