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Iron Maiden


Colombian fans on the move

on May 16, 2006 @ 01:42

It's not important the reasons which have made Maiden not to come to Colombia. The important thing is to make them want to come to a country in which the metal scene has been growing up since a couple of years ago. According to this, it's a commitment for the Colombian people to show the world the reasons for which important bands like Metallica, Apocalyptica, Helloween, Dream theater,Dimmu borgir, Therion and Nightwish (Just to name a few)have visited us and leave with excellent experiences and desires to come back soon.
By signing this petition, which will let the Iron Maiden executives and managers that our country is not only ready but also yearns to witness Iron Maiden Live
Scream For me Bogotaaa!!!!
This petition pretends to join the latest efforts that are being made in Our country to bring the band for the very first time to Colombia....Please sign it and support us
Websites supporting this petition: (Collecting physical signatures in Colombia)


Anonymous said:

we´re very excited here in Colombia. I hope can see that wonderfull band in my country


#11725, May 27, 2006 @ 16:59

Anonymous said:

please please please please ,come here its a country that is living a good time,our past is our past we need to feel free when band like maiden comes around

#11858, June 23, 2006 @ 17:33

Anonymous said:

pleas maiden youhave a big loyal fans here,of course we have problems like all countries but we live now with freedom and no fear

#11859, June 23, 2006 @ 17:36

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