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DiAnno interview!

on November 26, 2006 @ 16:51

IMSFC: Can you tell us something about your movie and the stuff in india?
PD: Unfortunately there is nothing to tell now as it has been canceled for reasons that I do not know about.

IMSFC: What you think about india?
PD: Really amazing and hoping to get back there again in the near future.

IMSFC: What do you think about your swedish band?
Many of your fans in the world think the swedish band is your best line up in your carrier.
PD: Yes the Swedish band are very good. I consider I have worked with 4 very good bands since Maiden: Battlezone, Killers, The
Brazilian band of the year 2000 and the Swedish band.

IMSFC: Have you some new record or dvd on the way?
PD: The Classics is out in Europe now and The Living Dead in USA and Japan.

IMSFC: What have you for plans for the future?
PD: Ask my manager as he makes all of my plans for me.

IMSFC: What is your favorite tattoo you got (I think it is your ramones tattoo)
PD: Yeh it is Ramones one for sure

IMSFC: How many tattoos you have?
PD: Not really sure, but many

IMSFC: Have you regret some of yours tattoo?
PD: Yeh some, but I have had them covered by newer tats.

IMSFC: Have you still got your Kate tattoo? What she does today?
PD: No I do not have that and have no idea what she is doing now.

IMSFC: You have done a new maiden classic album is it new or old recordings.
PD: New recordings and it sound really good.

IMSFC: Can you tell us something about you manager Lea. When do you meet him and where?
PD: We have known each other for about 20 years and he is the Slavedriver who keeps me working. We both were born and grew up in
the same town although we did not know each other during our early years. He is a very good manager and a great guy.

IMSFC: Why we ever hear the song the living dead?
PD: I try and play it live, but i do not like to rehearse, so i only play it occasionally.

IMSFC: Where you got the inspiration from when you wrote the living dead song?
PD: From my own life.

IMSFC: and last what will you say to the fans ho wisit IMSFC?
PD: Thanks for your support, and please saty with me and keep checking my website!
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