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Iron Maiden


[SPOILER] Rod Smallwood Checks in from New York

on October 13, 2006 @ 12:50

"Arrived in Montreal about 4:30. I went off with Bruce and Adrian to do Musiqueplus, a big French speaking music show. They have about 120 fans in the studio and basically ask some questions, translate to French and play some of our videos. Went fine. Rest of band went off straight to venue to do a sound check - my God, Iron Maiden doing a sound check - a rare event so rare they wouldn't even let me take any pics. Usually our crew do it but the band are still not happy with onstage sound and overall sound so of course they want to make this (unusual and unrequired) effort. As soon as we had finished TV we rushed to venue so Bruce and H could join in the sound check. Worked out quite well as they got about 30 minutes all together. A lot of the kids at the TV studio wanted autographs but we just had to get out so we could sound check before doors opened at 6:30, so if you were one who was disappointed sorry about this but hope you understand - same for fans waiting outside venuw when we arrived.

Before the show EMI presented us with a gold disc for Canada - over 50,000 (in fact more like 70,000 now) in first 4 weeks - No. 2 in whole of Canada BUT no. ONE in Quebec province!!! What can we say about fans like this - thanks and WE WILL RETURN. We always do - we have played Quebec every year for four years and Montreal three out of last four. Always great.

Bell Centre is a massive and first rate venue and it was packed with 13,000 or so fans; great reaction, excellent gig and out front sound was definitely improved. And when the band can hear themselves properly on stage they can play much better of course. Everyone was really happy after the show and much more confident now. We feel we have turned the corner and all will be well now. It always does of course take a few shows to get it all going, we can now concentrate on the playing not worrying about whether they can hear everything or not and in Bruce's case tearing his throat up. He sang amazingly last night - it makes such a huge difference. Audience of course were brilliant - we are always sorry to leave Quebec province.

We get straight off stage into cars to head for airport so we can hopefully get to NY while customs are still open. The band change quickly in toilets at the airport - told you we were bona fide rock stars!! Onto plane, about an hour, some beers and of course red wine for Nick. Made customs and got to hotel about 1am. In NY there are different choices of hotels and Steve, Bruce and I are at the same one so went to the bar for a quiet beer before it closed at 2am. Long day - knackered - bed. Waiter at bar was Mexican and was at our last show in Mexico City and asked for autographs which they of course did, so his boss bought us all a beer. Friends everywhere!!!

More after Nassau. just work today but then meeting up with some friends and going to a TRIVIUM NY show - will be good to see them again, good people. Rushing to finish this - gotta go with Bruce to do ABC News. Forgot, see ya."

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