Clive Burr MS Fund Update
Now that Clive's mobility is very restricted this was an urgent task as the house was becoming very difficult for him and his helpers to operate in. Bedrooms and bathroom were all upstairs, via a spiral staircase, there was limited living space downstairs and wheelchair accessibility around the house was very difficult. So architects and therapists have been called in to look at the problem and the builders are now at work to remodel the ground floor so that it is properly adapted for a disabled person and their helpers to live comfortably in. This includes wet-room/wheelchair adapted bath/shower facility, disabled toilets, living and sleeping areas with level wide door access, lifting gear, special flooring, accessible light switches etc etc etc. It is a big project but essential so Clive can continue to live comfortably in his own home and his carers can continue to look after him there.The next major commitment of the Trust is to supply funds to assist with Clive's upkeep, support and treatment. We make regular contributions so that Clive is able to pay for help, support, living and treatment costs.
The Trust also steps in to help with ad-hoc needs that Clive may have from time to time. We have helped with holidays and the provision of special equipment for example a special hospital type bed, wheelchairs and an automatic front door (Clive cannot manage a conventional door). We stand ready to help with anything that comes up and which would be otherwise be difficult for Clive to manage.
We have also, from time to time, been able to help other MS sufferers connected with the wider 'Maiden' family and it is good to be able to do this when called upon.
All this makes a tremendous difference to Clive's life. MS is a terrible and debilitating disease. But thanks to Maiden fans and all those who have donated to the Trust, we have been able to provide some practical help to make Clive's life to be more comfortable. Clive particularly enjoys meeting you all at Maiden and Cliveaid events and these are a wonderful boost for him. We are very grateful for all your support.
We would also like to record our admiration and gratitude to Clive's helpers and friends, especially Mimi and Clive's mum, who's care is constant and devoted. And thanks too to the Maiden band members and management for all their support and help.