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Iron Maiden


It's That Time of the Year Again...

on September 10, 2007 @ 15:19

Your design needs to be A5 size (about 21 by 15 cm) - it's up to you which way round it goes (portrait or landscape). The picture is entirely up to you.

Now here's the important stuff - as the design will be printed, you need to make sure you have a high-resolution image that you can send us if we choose your card. If you're hand painting or drawing, no problem, but if you're creating your design from scratch in Photoshop or whatever, please make sure you do it at 600dpi and not at the lower resolution you'd use for things that are going to be displayed only on a monitor. Keep the original in a very safe place, and send us a copy.

Please send in your submissions as lower-resolution JPEG or GIF images - we don't need you to send the huge hi-res file until we choose the winner.

Please make sure that you name your file with your own name - eg. jimsmith.jpg - cos otherwise we get 200 files called 'maiden.jpg'!

Email you entries to us here, title your email 'XMAS CARD' and please make sure you include your contact details.

Closing date for entries is 5th October. Good luck!

1 Comment

Anonymous said:

Come on guys, we havent even had summer yet!!!

#13139, September 10, 2007 @ 17:48

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