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Ozzy & Sharron dredge up "that" incident yet again

on April 12, 2007 @ 21:47

A video interview has been posted on featuing Ozzy and Sharron on "The Howard Stern Show" disgussing their disgraceful behaviour during the 2005 Ozfest.

I've not watched it yet so I can't comment on what they said but you can watch the interview yourself at this location.

Post your thoughts in our comments if you still care about this :)


Anonymous said:

"If he was to walk in here right now you wouldnt know him" says Sharon, speaking to a black woman... I repeat a B-L-A-C-K W-O-M-A-N, first off to kill any flaming against me about being racist etc, I have nothing against black people or women, but you HAVE to agree that heavy metal is not even close to what you would consider "black women" music!! For crying out loud, she wouldnt know Ozzy if he didnt have his bum TV show... Ask someone who at least has some insight in the metal community and they would fucking recognize Bruce from a mile away.

Then Sharon sits there bragging about how she "organized" hispanic people to throw eggs at Maiden, and how she came on stage and told everyone "not to fuck with us", too bad noone could hear her, because she was BOOED OFF STAGE!!!

I have a genuine hatred against Sharon now, she should hang like the bitch she is, Ozzy should take care of his own business and not let the misses do that, since its obviously not working. Respect to Ozzy as a musician, and Maiden are gods. Peace out.

#13104, April 12, 2007 @ 23:28

Anonymous said:

I have 2 valid points about this whole situation

i attended the d.c. date for that ozzfest, driving 5 hours from north carolina and it was all worth it to see every band there exept sabbath. Dont get me wrong i like sabbath but that night ozzy just made them look inferer. Iron maiden (my personal all time fav) killed the set and made it worth every last penny.

and two sharron is full of more shite than any one in the music buisness i am personaly friends with all the guys in one of the Battle for ozzfest bands and did you know they are still waitig for some contract to end so that she dosnt get like more than 50% of every thing they make and the band that won (a dozen furries) was just some new band a few guys from unloco (a band that played on ozzfest 04 or 03 im not sure but they played on of them). so i dont know where she gets off telling every one how they try and help out all these up and coming bands.

#13107, April 16, 2007 @ 03:35

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