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Iron Maiden


Upgrade Complete

on March 20, 2007 @ 19:04

Thanks for your patience during the upgrade. This has now been completed. We have made some improvements to the news software to prevent spammers posting news about enlargement pills and to generally improve the layout of the add news page. We've also added lots more social bookmark links. If you use any of these websites we hope you find the buttons helpful. Apparently its the "next big thing" and "everybodys doing it" so we don't want to be left out. People were starting to look at us funny.

Also added the rest of the tour dates for this leg of the tour and fixed some bugs that made it almost impossible to add new dates. Hopefully things will be much smoother now in future :)

As always, give us a shout if anything looks wrong, doesn't work, feels a bit squishy etc etc in our help forum. You dont have to register to post but its free and it means you can login on the left of this page too and post comments on our witty sense of humour by clicking the Add Comment links below news stories.
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