Thank you to every one who has sent messages of support to Debbie and to me. A lot of them I have read out to Debbie in hospital. As each day passes she has more chance of making some kind of recovery, but it will be a very long process. It is not like on TV where people just suddenly wake up. They may wake up for 60 seconds then fall unconscious again for hours or days and eventualy they can stay awake for a little longer each time. The whole process can take days, weeks, months, or even years, brain injuries and recovery are very unpredictable so there are no guarentees or certanties in any of this.
She has worked so hard to get the band going and to make the new album possible, that I feel it is important to continue with what she has started for us.
So I am not cancelling any shows that she has arranged for the band, because I know that is not what Debbie would want. We will continue to book shows and run things the way she started. There have been a few hiccups with the online store but please email us if you have any problems and we will try to sort them out.
Thank you all again for all the love and support you have given my wife and me over these very difficult days. I hope you enjoy the new album and we'll see you at one of our shows soon. cheers,